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Joined: 05/26/2021
Posts: 1529

Irvine Infernos

Broken Bat Baseball
@ Andreimun, we are, interestingly, in the same league. About using rankings. Casual players and bots, in my view, sort of drift in the lower levels. Whereas someone who's more focused, heavy on waivers, daily player and so on, with some ability to learn mechanics of game, inevitably would be in the top 4 leagues at some point. So, would likely draft better. The difference sometimes between good drafting and bad is often player knowledge. I go on and on about growth charts, hitting comments, Age adjustments for POT and so on, so I, like other players might take someone that on the surface appears to be an underwhelming pick as the strongest player on the board.

Example: https://brokenbat.org/player/311587

He was a 12 when I drafted him, looked immediately to me like he would rise to 13 and was identified by Legends very own Tamale as someone who could be a very strong pitcher.

I also looked at Waterloo's teams these past 10 seasons or so, and High Point's recent champion and it seems to me knowledge and management play a much bigger role than luck, when it all comes down to it. Lot of 12's and even 11's. I think the main difference is the ability of owners to discern which 12's can help them.

Some teams bring in a lot of whales, sure, but looking at my current roster,

8 (less than 6 claims)
2 FA signees
12 draftees (12(1),13(6),14(3),15(1),16(1) - some changes in POT among them
8 (double digit claims)

Updated Sunday, September 3 2023 @ 8:49:24 am PDT
Joined: 10/25/2012
Posts: 44

York Frogs

Broken Bat Baseball
Point taken, Eel. But, I was looking at initial POT, not the POT after the player grows. It's still the case that players in the top leagues draft players with better initial POT, which requires no skill.

I'm not saying that this is the element that makes good teams good, it's just that the current system is unfair. And the drafting does make a difference. Beyond POT and SI, users who pick early can get better player builds. And let me take a very strong stand on this: the top teams drafting players with very high *initial* POT in the 1st round is not down to skill, I'm sorry. Also, my initial comments were restricted to 1st round picks, so there is no issue of player attention "drifting". That's also why I chose very active players with longer histories. And also, 1st round is (in theory and in practice) the round where drafting early makes the most difference. Looking at the other rounds is not very informative. By the time the second round comes around, all the great players would have likely already shown up in a user's draft picks.

In another thread, I ran simulations to show that order matters. So, order matters, both in practice (statistically) and in theory (via simulation). Again, fantastic game, I know Steve has put in a lot of work, and I certainly "don't hate the players", but the current drafting system is creating incentives for players to wake up early and refresh the page until they get an early draft pick, which I think can easily be fixed using Rock's suggestion, for example.

Updated Sunday, September 3 2023 @ 9:38:52 am PDT
Joined: 05/26/2021
Posts: 1529

Irvine Infernos

Broken Bat Baseball
Some teams draft a lot from the HS pool and so get players with high initial POT that can get a lot lower (my situation with Brand). Of course Latin and other position specific pools can yield a lot of 16-18 year old players as well.

But I agree some players that appear on the first round board really shouldnt be there, and that yes, the 5th round is about the last chance to get anyone even replacement level, though we all have acquired players selected in later rounds at some point.

No, drafting high POT players isnt skill. But getting some guy with 50 claims on waivers isnt skill either. I think some things could be done to make the draft more equitable, but there is always going to be an element of luck in this game.

I think rounds 1-2 are fairly equal in that, since there are so many average-below average players on the first round board, then it takes less of those high POT players out of the total pool after each team has a pick.
Joined: 10/25/2012
Posts: 44

York Frogs

Broken Bat Baseball
I disagree. :) do the math: hundreds of users each getting a random sample of 10-ish players and selecting the best. The herd gets culled pretty quickly. The order you pick in matters a lot. A lot. Is there still randomness? Yes. But you have much lower chances of getting a good player.
Joined: 05/26/2021
Posts: 1529

Irvine Infernos

Broken Bat Baseball
Salinas pitches 1 game, 11 day injury. Now back, pitches 1 game, 15 day injury. WTAF?????
Joined: 04/30/2015
Posts: 36


Broken Bat Baseball


Are you freaking kidding me, a BOT team on steroids this early in the season

Updated Wednesday, November 15 2023 @ 2:28:17 pm PST

Updated Wednesday, November 15 2023 @ 2:29:23 pm PST
Joined: 09/02/2014
Posts: 744

Abilene Patriots

Broken Bat Baseball
Once again why I hate the stupid form stat. The cup games put most of ny pitchers into cold status. Season starts, and I'm getting blasted at home in my death valley of a stadium.
Joined: 10/26/2016
Posts: 1138

Deerfield Beach Rats

Broken Bat Baseball
 …I swear, every time there’s a site hiccup and I try logging in and get the account-not-validated error page, I get flashbacks of ’35… x.x
Joined: 02/26/2014
Posts: 664

Oxnard Sunsets

Broken Bat Baseball
Waiver season went horribly, i only took Barrientos (with 50% chance), even i claimed roughly 25 players.

Granted, they were all good players (they went from 7 claimants to 50-60) but still

Let's hope draft season goes better, or i could be in big trouble, at least pitching side, in a couple of years

Joined: 11/11/2020
Posts: 303

Biloxi Thresher Sharks

Broken Bat Baseball
Nothing like dropping 6 runs without getting and out and nothing happening, then you go check the management screen and for some reason, your recent pitching pick-up has gotten a 'default' hook of 12 runs.

Gee, thanks, game engine. I didn't want to win that game anyway.

Seriously, why is THIS guy: https://brokenbat.org/player/326568 Set to that? That's a perfectly natural setting for an MR2 who's gotten a late season call-up for some reps. Not.

Updated Tuesday, March 19 2024 @ 4:26:41 pm PDT

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