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Joined: 12/05/2012
Posts: 89

Sunnyvale Rebels

Broken Bat Baseball
It's pure luck.

High potential doesn't mean they will keep the potential...

Over the last 10 years from the 3 POT 16 I drafted all got downgraded, one even to 14

From the 4 POT 15, 2 got downgraded

From the 10 POT 14, 5 got downgraded, only 1 with an upgrade

From the 10 POT 13, 4 got downgraded

From the 20 guys with POT 12 and below, 3 got downgraded and 5 got an upgrade

Furthermore, some high potentials are not really useful in the big leagues (at least not as full time starters):
originally POT 14:

originally 15:

So what I'm trying to say is that a POT 12 or 13 with the right scouting comments could be a better choice than a POT 14+ in the end...

Updated Friday, December 17 2021 @ 4:00:28 pm PST
Joined: 05/26/2021
Posts: 1528

Irvine Infernos

Broken Bat Baseball
Not my draft pick, but check out this guy


Downgraded from 15-13. He had 27 claims when released and I got him. Still stuck in A Ball at 23. Gained 18 SI in 6 seasons. Even so, his middle infield abilities are adequate at best and not great. Nothing's guaranteed.


My #1 this year. Downgrades and failed to upgrade are much more common with above average potential. His SI is however quite high for an 18 year old, which might help him avoid that. However I feel his great hitting, starting attribute of 10, his left-handedness and reasonable middle infield fielding abilities still give him the value to overcome dropping a POT (though maybe not 2). Time will tell

Updated Friday, December 17 2021 @ 4:12:40 pm PST
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9778

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
"He has above average overall potential" pretty much guarantees a POT 13 or lower. And probably a weak POT 13. Definitely read the scouting comments. A good GM will pick the best player, but how good the best player is... That's completely luck. I've had many seasons with nothing better than a POT 12 on my first round board. Got lucky this season.

Also, don't knock POT 12 pitchers. Most of my pitchers are POT 12. Nine out of thirteen in the majors and six out of 8 in the minors. ~75% of my guys are POT 12. And the only guy higher than POT 13 is the rookie I just drafted.

Updated Friday, December 17 2021 @ 4:19:14 pm PST
Joined: 05/26/2021
Posts: 1528

Irvine Infernos

Broken Bat Baseball
3 POT 11, 9 POT 12, 6 POT 13, 2 POT 14 pitchers. 7 of whom changes POT after I got them, 3 lost and 4 gained. Only 5 of the 20 are draft picks. So getting good players will often be a combination of things. Draft is just one tool, so dont get discouraged if some drafts are poor.
Joined: 12/05/2012
Posts: 89

Sunnyvale Rebels

Broken Bat Baseball
Does this guy https://brokenbat.org/player/269391 really have the recommendation to play A ball only, not above? To me, he was ready for A ball after the second rookie season at latest - look at his stats... I'd bet his development would have taken another path if he had the chance to taste A & AA earlier. He'd be ready for AAA now to my guess at least.

Updated Friday, December 17 2021 @ 4:47:23 pm PST
Joined: 05/26/2021
Posts: 1528

Irvine Infernos

Broken Bat Baseball
Yes, that is really the recommendation. I mentioned it here last season. If nothing changes by ASG he will be force-promoted.

I played him most of the spring trying to get him unstuck from A ball. He continues gaining SI even from the low levels AI seems to think he should be at. And his SI is very high for A ball which helps his stats. Good thing I have 2 young SS and that makes it easier to deal with the long shot project he is becoming as the cycles go by.

Updated Friday, December 17 2021 @ 5:02:05 pm PST
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9778

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
One of the challenges with super young guys. Sometimes they need a lot of time in Rookie ball. Some guys need 3+ seasons at each level to mature, which can often mean they never make it. But each player has a different growth curve. Some guys really shoot up when they get into their late twenties.

In general force promoting is a bad idea; they gain the most if they are at the correct level. So pushing a guy up a level before he is ready will actually slow his progress. However the AI recommendations are not 100% accurate, so when you have an older guy like this, it can make sense to gamble that the AI is being over conservative with him.

If he were a year younger I wouldn't force promote him until next season. But given his age, force promoting at the all-star break seems about right.
Joined: 12/05/2012
Posts: 89

Sunnyvale Rebels

Broken Bat Baseball
I'd push him up hoping it's just a click at BC or PD which is holding him down. I could live with that when he gains 5 points in hitting in further 2 minor years.

Are you sure he's messed up once he's up a level without getting to 100% in previous level?

Updated Saturday, December 18 2021 @ 2:18:20 pm PST
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9778

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
Yeah, they gain SI the faster if they are at the correct level. If you push him up before he is ready ALL of his SI growth will be slower.

Again, the AI has fuzzy recommendations, so they aren't always correct. But you'll always maximize training gains at the correct level.
Joined: 11/07/2014
Posts: 656

Denver Broncos

Broken Bat Baseball
The Denvy draft war room can share with you these secrets: Draft a player after each Economic Update. As soon as you can after each Economic Update. Promote drafting youth. Promote drafting high school youth. Promote drafting best player available over position. Read the draft picks on the BB forum or Discord. Listen to Rock say don’t get jealous about others. But understand why owners are excited enough or confused enough to post their pick on the forum. Denvy dropped Deandre Cash Register, 2B 17 pot. We had enough info on him and that is it. He won the ROY with another ball club. Great organizational fit for Pratville! He hit forty for us in 25 at-bats. Birmingham would have allowed him 10 more. So the other key is to be heartless. Always free agency if the war room ***** it up.

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