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Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
Why Rankings in the game?

Same reason there is a score in baseball. To see who the best is.
Joined: 02/20/2018
Posts: 296

Hood River Hawks

Broken Bat Baseball
^^ again I agree with MM
Joined: 11/26/2019
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Charleston Hawks

Broken Bat Baseball
2045 Cup completed

the cup championship game changes fan mood the same as any other cup game--that is, no bonus for cup championship...

remaining is to observe/see who fan mood is effected by league championship games...championships are a couple weeks away, so we will see

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Joined: 11/26/2019
Posts: 417

Charleston Hawks

Broken Bat Baseball
Championship Playoff Games & Fan Mood

Well, it seems these wins and losses have even more impact on fan mood than i thought.

But Mike called it!! Attaway Mike! (see above post by him)

Playoff Games are 2.5 times more important than regular season games.

change due to win
Mood after game = 2.5*4*(200-Fan Mood before game)/200

change due to a loss
Fan Mood after game = -4*Fan Mood before*2.5

[determined by comparing before and after fan mood for two teams competing in League V12 game...then applying the formula previously worked out for fan mood...modifying the multiplier (bolded in formula) until formula result matched change calculated by before and after observation]

Updated Tuesday, June 9 2020 @ 2:32:16 pm PDT
Joined: 06/30/2019
Posts: 337

Tyler Goldendoodles

Broken Bat Baseball
Good work Ken but now I have a math headache.
Joined: 06/30/2019
Posts: 337

Tyler Goldendoodles

Broken Bat Baseball
It would seem that there is more to fan mood than this formula alone. I began this season with a fan mood of 103.77. I am ending this season at 96.41. Yet for this season I went 12-8 in my cup group and 1-2 in the next round against a far superior team (again!). I went 81-79 during the regular season. I won more games than I lost in 2045 so why would my fan mood drop if we use only the formula offered in this thread? What am I missing?

And I’ll be the first to admit to never being the best in higher levels of math so I hope the answer to this isn’t easy and embarrassing. Lol
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San Luis Obispo Turtles

Broken Bat Baseball
Your team did end up being just above .500, but you ended the season with just two wins in your last 11 games. That many losses in a short period will bring your fan mood down. If you had the exact same record, but more of your wins were clustered at the end of the season, you may very well have ended the season with a higher fan mood.

This is because fan mood has a tendency to hover around 100. As Ken reported, getting higher than 100 makes your fan mood more sensitive to losses than additional wins, and likewise getting below 100 will eventually make your fan mood more sensitive to wins than additional losses. This means your fan mood will tend to stay within a relatively narrow range around 100, and so an especially good or bad streak can have a lot of impact your mood score.
Joined: 11/26/2019
Posts: 417

Charleston Hawks

Broken Bat Baseball
thanks explained the effects quite well

what JeeBeeTwo can do to test the formula is to download/copy-paste his 2045 schedule into a spreadsheet then apply the appropriate formula to fan mood and recalculate game by game the fan mood for all 160 games...he should tie out to his end fan mood

i've been doing something like that for selected teams to observe how attendance is impacted by fan mood (using goal seek to learn fan mood before each game) far i can say there is some correlation between a-priori fan mood and attendance, but not perfect correlation--don't know if the game engine uses a moving average of fan mood of home team only, includes visiting team fan mood, position in standings, how much weather effects...etc

what i can share now is that in Level V a fan mood of 100 will result in attendance near 25,000; and fan mood of about 110 will result in approx 27,000...thus change 10 in fan mood results in +2000
game attendance? as noted, the correlation is not perfect, there is some variation

Updated Thursday, June 11 2020 @ 8:56:54 pm PDT
Joined: 01/05/2020
Posts: 170


Broken Bat Baseball
How can you see fan mood and rating on a game by game bases? Or did you just track it on your own?
Joined: 11/26/2019
Posts: 417

Charleston Hawks

Broken Bat Baseball

**cliffs: I tracked it well after the fact**

Game by Game fan mood -- near the end of the season i constructed a spreadsheet using data downloaded from the Schedule Page, going back to the start of the season--then for each game i add in/select the formula to calculate the change in fan mood--the specific formula to use depends on type of game (League, Cup, Playoff) and the result (Win Loss)...Mood before a game + change = Mood after a game...and then for the next game, mood before equals the mood after prior game...thus you chain link fan mood for all games in the season...then use the goal seek command with the season ending fan mood to back into the fan mood before each games all the way back to the start of the season...tedious, time consuming and one needs to check one's work for errors...but, it allows for tracking fan mood and comparing to attendance.

Updated Friday, June 12 2020 @ 6:17:30 am PDT

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