Oct 19 2065: Notice to All Charleston Hawks Baseball Personel - by Ken_Kennilworth on August 25th, 2024
Legends League has exercised their option on us for the 2066 season. Please be sure to extend your residence lease, work permit and travel visa. See team travel secretary Boxcar Jones for assistance in processing the correct forms.
Sep 20 2060: Crespin Smacks 500th Dinger!! - by Ken_Kennilworth on July 29th, 2023
Crespin Cortez, 13 year major league veteran and 5 time MVP, added yet another stellar achievement to his resume:
500 career regular season home runs!
Apr 06 2058: Help Wanted - Team Trainer Needed - by Ken_Kennilworth on January 12th, 2023
Must be willing to use aggressive treatments with players on injury ridden team. Techniques considered acceptable include spells and incantations, animal sacrifices, and in the extreme cases touching up x-rays to pass medical review. Competitive salary with health plan.
Mar 08 2058: Put the Excitement Back in Your Play with Ageless Broken Bat! - by Ken_Kennilworth on January 2nd, 2023
As you team ages is it having trouble with scoring, coming up short of put outs, or your stadium attendance sagging?
If so then put the hardball back in your game with doctor recommended Ageless Broken Bat. After only 3 weeks of using Ageless Broken Bat 7.4 out of 10 team owners reported:
!!Longer and More Frequent Homers!!
!!Improved Pitching Stamina!!
!!Enhanced Range!!
!!Boosted Exit Velocity!!
Enjoy Broken Bat more with Ageless Broken Bat!!
But before trying, ask your doctor if Ageless Broken Bat is right for you.
Common side effects include HeadachesDepressionLossofSleepReducedAppetiteSuddenMoodSwingsSkinRashesStomachPain
Oct 30 2057: Charleston CEO credits several for 2057 Championship—You'll be Surprised by the Fifth One! - by Ken_Kennilworth on December 21st, 2022
Charleston Hawks CEO, Julius Sleveen, in an interview with Journal of Broken Bat Business Management, acknowledged contribution from several sources for the 2057 championship in BB Div III-3. The veteran players, developing major leaguers, manager & coaching staff received most of his praise, deservedly so in his opinion.
But he wanted to recognize to his executive assistants, economist Milton Keynes and consultant Drucker McKinsey. Sleveen said “I believe the strategic vision molded with their help gave us the edge in finding our way forward. Our concern coming into this season was to avoid the middle level trap that franchises can fall into by continuing an imitative strategy that is effective mostly at lower levels. As such, I encouraged innovative entrepreneurial approaches which our staff found. The challenge ahead as we move from upper middle (Div III) to lower upper (Div II) is to continue finding innovations that give our players an advantage."