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Joined: 01/27/2010
Posts: 5029

Broken Bat Baseball
Season started last night with the Yankees-Nats & Dodgers-Giants.

Will be an interesting season...short schedule, expanded playoffs, universal DH, new rules.

Joined: 01/18/2017
Posts: 580

Murfreesboro Moo Cows

Broken Bat Baseball
Season started last night with the Yankees-Nats & Dodgers-Giants. Will be an interesting season...short schedule, expanded playoffs, universal DH, new rules.

I hate to say that every one of these things makes me sad.

Season started instead of staying safe ... sad.
Short schedule ... sad.
Expanded playoffs ... sad.
Universal DH ... sad.
New rules ... sad.
No real punishments for cheating ... sad.

Maybe I've moved on from MLB. Maybe it moved on from me. But I still love baseball.
Joined: 01/27/2010
Posts: 5029

Broken Bat Baseball
Then there are the Padres retro Brown and Yellow/Mustard uniforms!

Joined: 01/12/2014
Posts: 590

San Luis Obispo Turtles

Broken Bat Baseball
Have you seen the virtual fans digitally added to the stands on Fox broadcasts? They look like they're from a 10 year old video game. What a crazy decision. I hope they stop doing that.
Joined: 10/26/2016
Posts: 1139

Deerfield Beach Rats

Broken Bat Baseball
 Stolen from a Discord server I’m on:


 As someone watching the Braves/Mets game as I post this? Accurate.
Joined: 03/06/2020
Posts: 20


Broken Bat Baseball
Love it or hate it, the extra-inning speed-up rule does what it is designed to do—finish games more quickly. Put a runner on 2nd --- WTH?

I am not happy with it. Made for TV rule.
Joined: 05/20/2020
Posts: 78


Broken Bat Baseball

Yes all sport around the world is a little weird right now and not what we're used to2😕
Guess money / TV talks and it is what it is for now...
Stay safe out there...I see the numbers have been going upwards again this month 🤔🤔
Joined: 05/05/2014
Posts: 5232

Waterloo Dinosaurs

Broken Bat Baseball
It’s been immediately obvious why this (covid) is a much greater issue for baseball than the other sports. The rigorous schedule gives no breaks to assess where teams are at.

It likely would have just added another item to Hurstdm’s list :) , but I feel they should have built an off day in between every single series. Maybe 2.

If 20 Phillies come down sick after playing the known-infected Marlins Manfried is going to have a tough time justifying continuation.

Would suck. It’s great having baseball back. The Blue Jays have an exciting team. But Baseball’s plan just doesn’t seem as sound as what the NHL has come up with.
Joined: 06/21/2019
Posts: 356


Broken Bat Baseball
Good Point Seca. With the Cardinals catching big rona like crazy now, i doubt 2020 will be able to be salvaged.

If so, they should have worked it into the schedule where you bunch up the games and opponents as much as possible. Thinking like mostly home and home series with some doubleheaders and then longer breaks in between to assess the damage and cart off the casualties:

"ding... bring outcha dead! ding... bring outcha dead!"

I just hope the NHL can pull off the playoffs format. Perhaps with an ever dwindling number of teams they get lucky and don't get any flareups.
Joined: 09/15/2013
Posts: 1445

Glendale Marshals

Broken Bat Baseball
I don't understand why the MLB didn't do a bubble like the NBA, MLS, and NHL. They could've had the teams in the west in AZ and teams in the east at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex.

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