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Joined: 07/06/2015
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Broken Bat Baseball
Some of the players drafted in the latest round (2040 Round 6) had their potentials increased by 1. Carrizales for example was drafted as a 13 pot but now he's incorrectly displayed as a 14 pot.
Joined: 01/27/2010
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Broken Bat Baseball
That's true...it's not new in round 6.

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Broken Bat Baseball
Very interesting. This sounds like something new. I like it. I'd prefer it to take a couple weeks, but my guess is the idea is you don't exactly know what you've got when you draft. No more immediate cut and release for borderline guys.

Edit--Oooo. I just checked my draft page. 3 of my guys from this year have moved! Unfortunately 2 down and 1 up.

Fascinating and cool update to the game.

It creates a burning question, though--does this mean the worded scouting for the categories is off or just the overall potential?

Updated Monday, April 29 2019 @ 12:26:14 am PDT
Joined: 11/29/2011
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Broken Bat Baseball
I think one of my recent picks had his potential fall from 13 to 11. (unless I'm misremembering, but there's almost no way I wouldn't have instantly cut him at only 12 potential given the rest of his skills)
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Farmington Hills Cardinals

Broken Bat Baseball
I had my stud 15 POT pitcher drop to 14 POT....
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Broken Bat Baseball
My 3rd Round pick and 4th Round pick both dropped one level. The 4th Rounder is now useless (although it does free up a roster spot). The 3rd Rounder is now likely nothing more than a bullpen arm (if that with range that high @ 12 POT).
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Corvallis Ravens

Broken Bat Baseball
Wait, whaaaat?

I am now officially confused as all get out. I just went to the Free Agent Search, using the settings P, 16 to 23, Min Potential 13, and these are the results:


So, someone tell me what is real and what is imaginary? Three players here show a POT of 11, 12, and 12 even though I asked to pull players with POT 13. This is something new to me, and I'm not liking it much at all.


Updated Monday, April 29 2019 @ 6:46:15 am PDT
Joined: 11/29/2011
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Broken Bat Baseball
That 11 potential guy in your screenshot is the player I mentioned mentioned above, FWIW.
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Novi Doubledays

Broken Bat Baseball
Leads me to believe those 11 and 12 POT guys are 13 POTs.

If POT is fluid, that's real game-changer.

Updated Monday, April 29 2019 @ 8:27:56 am PDT
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Waterloo Dinosaurs

Broken Bat Baseball
Think Shikago is saying the player has gone 13 --> 11. So waiver search is showing their past, not predicting their future.

Timeline is fairly quick? I cut Holmes after he gave up 3 HRs in 3+ IP his first evening, quite certain he hadn't had the pot bump yet. Was signed as a FA so it either took a few days or it doesn't happen while sitting on the list.

I get what MukilteoMike is saying about longer, but if obligated to keep draft picks longer 50 roster spots is going to feel tight.
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Waterloo Dinosaurs

Broken Bat Baseball
I think part of my above post is in error, and that the waiver display is a thing.

Waivers seems to be filtering by the player's original pot. Ie., a 12 now a 13 doesn't show on a search by 13 pot. I found a half dozen free agent 13 pot pitchers in a couple of minutes.
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Hood River Hawks

Broken Bat Baseball
This could be a big change. My initial reaction is that now POT doesn't mean much at all.
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Broken Bat Baseball
So now not only can the skills you see for a player be +/-20% but so can the POT? I mean I understand that logic but it just seems like too many variables are not what they seem.

In every other manager game like this that I play the players Talent/Potential level is fixed and does not change.

I can see no good reason why it should be able to fluctuate like this. The random cap and +/-20% on skills makes sense. Real players fall short of their talent ceiling all the time but they still have a ceiling. That stays the same.

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Broken Bat Baseball
Change is always hard and meets resistance. I think this will be a good thing once we figure things out. My bet is that this is more about the upcoming draft changes. It looks like we're going to get more info about build, which means we can draft players for certain positions. We gain that info, but with it comes fuzzier potential. That seems fair. It also means better players will be drafted in later rounds because they won't look quite as good as they truly are. With that comes the reverse, which is great looking draftees may lose their luster after you've seen them for a while.

I'm just hoping Steve gives us more info about what the changes mean for the players. It's confusing now because we don't know what we're seeing. Implementing a major change on the sly and without providing any info isn't especially cool in my book, but I think the change has potential.

Updated Monday, April 29 2019 @ 4:27:38 pm PDT
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Corvallis Ravens

Broken Bat Baseball
When I said "I'm not liking it much at all," it's definitely based on "because we don't know what we're seeing." We're all playing the game with a reasonable understanding of how it works, so when something doesn't work as expected, it can be a bit unsettling. I too think I would grow to like the idea of having more information in the draft but a few more unknowns in whether or not the player reaches their potential ceiling. But have to have at least a rudimentary understanding to be on-board.
Joined: 01/27/2010
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Broken Bat Baseball
Here what's going to happen...with the new draft process, you will be receiving more information on the prospects: statistics, whole player card info, skill index and potential. Skills already have some level of uncertainty. Now that will be true for potential on prospects -- and that value will gradually sharpen.

Before you thinks that outrageous...consider that you're not getting any potential information before you draft today.

Joined: 11/11/2014
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Broken Bat Baseball
Love it!
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Muncie Fruit Jars

Broken Bat Baseball
Is this only true for players drafted this year and moving forward?
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Broken Bat Baseball
Yes...before, you couldn't even see potential before you drafted.

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Muncie Fruit Jars

Broken Bat Baseball
I think it's great, Steve. Just clarifying :)
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Waterloo Dinosaurs

Broken Bat Baseball
Is this only true for players drafted this year and moving forward?

Being a little nickpicky, but as far as I can tell this was introduced in round 5? So not all players this season affected?

Now that will be true for potential on prospects -- and that value will gradually sharpen.

My crystal ball says:

- a surge in waiver liquidity next season (or 2?). Obligated to keep draftees longer. Will need roster spots.
- there will be numerous threads asking for a larger roster. :)
- development emphasis will shift a little away from pot bars and more towards current SI and minor league performance.
- comparing potential bar to rational skill projections will become an important manager ability.
- development will be more dynamic and less "fire and forget". Greater reward for following prospect growth, potentially greater punishment for snap judgments.
- this isn't just draft reform, its game reform. It will change how we look at development. It will change how we look at waivers.

Certainly still a ton of RNG involved, but all in all I suspect it increases the "skill". These skills may be a little new to some managers (those of us that regularly slum with 12 pot players may have a little head start).
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Corvallis Ravens

Broken Bat Baseball
Yes, waivers in particular are going to be increasingly a more challenging prospect (no pun intended). My biggest worry is that we'll have to put even more work into our waiver wire searches, and I already put a lot of work into that department. Not really a complaint, just an anticipation. Will have to widen searches a bit more than I already do.
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New York Lancers

Broken Bat Baseball
Well that turned out nicely.

Looking forward to the challenge this represents.
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Muncie Fruit Jars

Broken Bat Baseball
My standard daily waiver searches will no longer be sufficient...but that's a good thing. Auto-pilot isn't interesting...
Joined: 09/23/2018
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Broken Bat Baseball
While we are making the skills and potential for every player variable so they can be a complete mystery why not extend that to the age, height and weight as well.

That way the 16 POT future superstar 17 year old prospect you drafted can turn out to be 25 years old and an 11 POT who forged his birth certificate.

#sarcasm #makingpotentialvariableisabadidea
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Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
I think this is fine. But my question is how many players will we have to choose from? Because if we are still getting a slate of below average players as first round options, it really won't matter how much extra data we have. Is there going to be better control over skill? So we actually have similarly rated players to compare and choose from each round?
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Waterloo Dinosaurs

Broken Bat Baseball
That way the 16 POT future superstar 17 year old prospect you drafted can turn out to be 25 years old and an 11 POT who forged his birth certificate.

I get the hyperbole. :)

I oversold the impact in my previous post, at least for some managers. Players can already miss their potential both on the high side and on the low side. I'm sure I'm not the only manager that currently evaluates prospects through the lens of "Do I like him at his current pot? Do I still like him if he comes up short? Is there a chance he surprises?" The change is not that big a deal if you already have this mindset. Those who blindly put faith in potential bars will be in for an adjustment.

Because if we are still getting a slate of below average players as first round options, it really won't matter how much extra data we have. Is there going to be better control over skill? So we actually have similarly rated players to compare and choose from each round?

I'm ok with a larger list. Under the current system, a large list likely yields several guys with identical/similar scouting. With no additional information, this is a crap shoot.

With the new system the larger list giving players with similar scouting is fine. Good even. Along with the scouting you can see skills and have seasons of amateur data. This is a decision. (I get that you are pleading for just 1 good option, but that's more Eeyore posting).

All that said, you've been vocal in your concern over early-bird bonus. A larger slate improves consistency. Improved consistency depletes the pool faster. Depleting the pool faster increases the importance of arriving early.

One of the neat things about the change (IMO) is that it will increase the number of good prospects without increasing the number of good prospects. There will be more grey which may even out draft luck (those on a good run will have to cut someone, and it may be less clear who that should be) which in turn improves waiver liquidity.
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Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
But also easier to hide at least 1 good player on your draft board, because people still have to use some skill to identify him.

I just think its dumb when you are choosing from junk players your scouts think have no potential in the first round. Incredibly unrealistic and immersion breaking. At least lie to us about their potential if we get them in the first round.

Updated Friday, May 3 2019 @ 6:27:45 am PDT
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Waterloo Dinosaurs

Broken Bat Baseball
That's fair. :)

I looked through a lot of team 2040 drafts last week. I found several (numerous is too strong) bot teams that only drafted 2-3 players this season, but clearly had a better draft year than I did. There is something a little wrong with that.

I hinted at this in my previous post, but if uncertainty in the potential bar increases supply without increasing supply, that should help with pool depletion.
Joined: 09/21/2014
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Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
It should help some. Just because its harder for people to identify the truly good players. But there will be just as many under and over rated guys.

Still not happy if I get all POT 11s in round 1. Even if a couple of them are really POT 12s ;)

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