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Joined: 01/12/2014
Posts: 590

San Luis Obispo Turtles

Broken Bat Baseball
My current manager, Harwood has been with the team continuously for three full seasons and parts of two others. However, his listed experience is two years.

Additionally, and I'm not certain about this, it seems like he hasn't revealed any additional stats in a very long time. Based upon his ratings I don't believe this should be his limit.

Is my manager's experience "stuck"? Anyone else have something like this?
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9778

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
Managers reveal over the course of 5 or so seasons. So he isn't done revealing his stats yet.

Managers only show a year of experience after they have completed the full year. This guy looks like he should have flopped over to 3 EXP at the start of the season. You didn't release him at any point did you? Definitely seems like he should have flipped over to 3 EXP by now...
Joined: 01/12/2014
Posts: 590

San Luis Obispo Turtles

Broken Bat Baseball
I'm pretty sure I have not released him. To be frank, I wouldn't want to deal with trying to find a better manager once I have one that I regard as acceptable.
Joined: 01/12/2014
Posts: 590

San Luis Obispo Turtles

Broken Bat Baseball
My manager still says two years experience. I think it's really likely that there's something wrong with him at at this point.

Joined: 09/15/2013
Posts: 906

Kodiak Mules

Broken Bat Baseball
Maybe this is connected with the Mega Training snafu we went thru.
It affected players' experience.
Managers' , who knows?

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