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Joined: 03/25/2014
Posts: 829

Fall River Naughty Dawgs

Broken Bat Baseball
General opinion?
Where are you?

Kills me to say it.

At this point (if I ever follow baseball past the Cape-cod league again) I'm leaning towards rooting for the first team that disavows any players that had had any contact with "Stuper-agent" Bore-ass
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9778

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
I've never followed any sports so only vaguely aware of what's happening.

I'd rather play than watch ;)
Joined: 11/07/2014
Posts: 656

Denver Broncos

Broken Bat Baseball
MLB commish Rob Manfred tells ESPN he's "not confident" season will be played.
Joined: 01/27/2010
Posts: 5024

Broken Bat Baseball
Broken Bat might be the only baseball for a while...I guess they can't agree on the money. Typical baseball, right?

Joined: 01/07/2020
Posts: 116


Broken Bat Baseball
lol, steve. at least we have a comish that actually takes our suggestions into consideration, so i mean we dont ever have to do anything like the MLB does.

Thanks our wonderful comish steve
Joined: 01/07/2020
Posts: 116


Broken Bat Baseball
btw steve i think you should make a football(American) sim game, and if you do ill i can be a beta tester
Joined: 08/09/2014
Posts: 3294


Broken Bat Baseball
Both sides of MLB are being ridiculous.
Joined: 05/05/2014
Posts: 5227

Waterloo Dinosaurs

Broken Bat Baseball
I find it hard to fault the players. They've made timely offers and concessions. With no movement from the owners they've taken the floor (50 games pro-rated) both sides agreed to back in March.

The owners are more frustrating, but understandable. They have to weigh and accept the risks. Grievance / litigation. Cancelled playoffs. Brand damage.

They are such a diverse group (from pompous alpha males to faceless media corps, rich & poor, competitive and not, etc.), and it only takes 25% (8 teams) dissenting to scuttle something. Not surprising their offers have been slow and have offered few concessions.
Joined: 01/06/2015
Posts: 1225

Bloomington Thunder

Broken Bat Baseball
Looks like the owners have decided playing @50 games plus a playoff is the sweet spot in trying to maximize profit this season. To that end, they have negotiated in bad faith. The MLBPA knows this, hence the "Let us know when and where" to begin play. Now Manfred, in order to have a 50 game season, has to delay for 2 to 3 weeks because if he says "play ball" now, the season will be 70+ games (which coincidentally, was the MLBPA last offer).

The fascinating part is, if Manfred doesn't begin now, the MLBPA will take this to arbitration and the MLBPA will win (IMO). This means the owners could be on the hook for possibly a billion or more in back-pay to the players for the lost games.

Really good stuff!

Another juicy nugget is you know Manfred was hired with an eye on the new 2021 collective bargaining agreement. If the MLBPA takes this to arbitration and the owners lose, does Manfred stay on to complete the job he was actually hired to do? Costing your client billions and emboldening the player's association the year you begin contract talks with them can't get you a glowing endorsement.

I'll predict a 50 game schedule + playoffs in 2020. No baseball to begin 2021, but when it comes back we have 27-28 man rosters, universal DH, and an expanded playoff field.
Joined: 11/07/2014
Posts: 656

Denver Broncos

Broken Bat Baseball
Whichever sports league is first to market will be making some bank. Who will it be though? So it's it down to baseball and basketball or are others in the mix?

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