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Joined: 12/09/2014
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Yakima Monster

Broken Bat Baseball
I wondered why Zombie hadn't improved at all in over a full season. Another one for Steve to browse at.
Joined: 11/18/2014
Posts: 102


Broken Bat Baseball

0 years of experience as well
Joined: 07/06/2015
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Broken Bat Baseball
Yeah I'm pretty sure this is a system-wide issue across all managers and all players. I think it might also be having some affect on SI growth, but not 100% sure on that. Just a few of the many examples on my team:

2 years experience but 4 full seasons, didn't reach low end of 15pt (stopped at 118 SI)

0 years experience but 2 full seasons, didn't reach low end of 14pt (stopped at 106 SI)

1 year experience but 2 full seasons and parts of 5 seasons, stopped at 104 SI for 13pt

0 years experience but 2 full seasons, reached 107 SI for 13pt

1 year experience but 3 full seasons and part of 5 seasons, reached 107 SI for 13pt

All "rookies" despite having played at least 1 full season: Behrens, Schwarz, Bollinger

I think the experience counter might just be off by 1-2 years for everyone.
Joined: 09/21/2014
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Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
I believe its one or two year precisely because it stopped working when we had the training snafu a couple seasons back. At experience just stopped collecting at that point.
Joined: 07/02/2016
Posts: 1291

Corvallis Ravens

Broken Bat Baseball
If this has been mentioned before, sorry.

I went to look at my manager after seeing this thread. I suddenly noticed the description says "(2 years with club)," but he has been with my team for 4.5 years.

Something wonky, for sure...

Updated Thursday, May 17 2018 @ 6:16:43 am PDT
Joined: 05/11/2017
Posts: 1007

Deadwood Perambulators

Broken Bat Baseball
Here's another example. My manager has not has an attribute change in several seasons, to my knowledge. He's also been with my club for 4 seasons now, but shows only "1 Year with Club".

Joined: 09/15/2013
Posts: 906

Kodiak Mules

Broken Bat Baseball
As long as this faulty Experience gains are limited to managers it won't affect the game.
(Manager's skills are _revealed_, not trained. They are shown to us bit by bit, but the ability is there all along)

I'm worried about Experience not being accrued by Major League PLAYERS

My hypothesis is that the total skill of a player is made up by:
minor league training
major league playing time
major league experience

The latter comprising up to four seasons of service on a major league roster, and 20% of the player's Potential

This lack of updates may be the reason all of my players that were promoted after the Mega training are STUNTED

Do you have the same problem?

Updated Friday, May 18 2018 @ 10:34:49 am PDT
Joined: 01/27/2010
Posts: 5024

Broken Bat Baseball
Sorry...I probably should have communicated this earlier. This was fixed. The problem is one of retro-activity. It's very hard to go back and try to add in the missed experience to managers etc. So for some, there will be a discrepancy between this experience value and the actual service time.

Joined: 08/09/2014
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Broken Bat Baseball
That doesn't explain why players and managers haven't gained experience since the Mega update.
Joined: 11/11/2014
Posts: 625


Broken Bat Baseball
I read it as meaning the problem was very recently fixed and you should see exp gains again shortly.

But just a guess.

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