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Joined: 05/26/2021
Posts: 1528

Irvine Infernos

Broken Bat Baseball

I tried this a few seasons ago and it didnt work (because no games played), now Fox, who has been in AAA all season because of Roster, pops at 3B
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9778

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
They gain position experience regardless of playing time in the minors. It looks like most of his 3B development happened between 2061 and 2063. He just has enough in the last few seasons to push him over the 2.0 mark. But the slope has been much lower in the last few seasons.


Updated Friday, December 20 2024 @ 5:47:50 am PST
Joined: 05/26/2021
Posts: 1528

Irvine Infernos

Broken Bat Baseball
So, being on a League roster but not playing makes it flat, being on a minor league roster but not playing makes it rise?
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9778

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
Well they naturally drop over time. So:

1) Always = a small decrease
2) Playing in majors = big increase
3) Assigned role in minors = standard increase

So lets say you have a guy with 1 2B and 1 SS experience.

If he is in the minors and assigned as a SS, his SS experience will increase, but his 2B will decrease.

If he is in the majors and not playing he will decrease in both SS and 2B.
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9778

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
You can't control playing time in the minors. Steve created the "Play" drop down so you can specify what position they are training in.

Think of it the same way Training and Experience works for all attribute growth. In the minors they are Training at a specific position. In the majors they only gain Experience if they play.

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