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Joined: 11/07/2013
Posts: 1175


Broken Bat Baseball
With the age decline arrows missing over the season flip this time around, new players may have a hard time learning how the decline works. After all, one doesn't necessarily remember how good a player's single skills were before the season flip...
I was lucky enough to have saved a copy of my roster view in a spreadsheet shortly before the season flip and was able to recreate what the Training view would have looked like if training 0 was visible the way it was in previous seasons.
Unfortunately, the forum formatting isn't ideal for showing that, so I'm posting it from a csv copy of my spreadsheet: Every semicolon means a column separation. Instead of the down arrow, I simply put an x. I'm including all my players age 29 and up, even if they have no decline this year. Consequently, the table below can be read as follows:
Major league 1B Russell Higging, age 34, Hitting has declined to 17, BC 8 constant, PD has declined to 13, Power 9 constant, Speed has declined to 7, Fielding 8 constant, Range has declined to 15, Arm has declined to 7.
Maybe that helps some of the new guys in the game, and if someone else has access to his/her decline values, feel free to post, as well. I won't say much as far as interpretation goes, except maybe, comparing what I had seen in previous year age decline, there were no major surprises here.

Position players:
Assignment;Pos;Player;Age;  ;Hit;BC;PD;Pow;Spd;  ;Fld;Rng;Arm
Majors;1B;Russell Higgins;34;;17x;8;13x;9;7x;;8;15x;7x
Majors;3B;Hui Zhang;34;;15x;8;6;12x;8x;;16x;11;14x
Majors;OF;Yasuo Uchida;34;;13x;7x;18x;16x;9x;;8;13x;15x
Majors;1B;Darryl Rivers;32;;15x;15;13;14;14x;;7;8;15
Majors;SS;Julio Madrid;32;;13;14x;15;9;14x;;14x;16x;12x
Majors;OF;Xavier Velez;31;;15;17;15;15;6x;;10;11;12
Majors;2B;Chris Osbourne;30;;19;17;9;15;14x;;15;12;8
Majors;2B;Fred Barr;29;;13;7;13;11;14x;;7;15;12
Majors;OF;Cheng Hu;29;;14;9;16;13;8;;10;16;13
Assignment;Pos;Player;Age;  ;Vel;CoS;Mov;Con;Sta;  ;Fld;Rng;Arm
Majors;P;Troy Murray;33;;12x;18;15x;14x;10;;11x;7;18x
Majors;P;Maurice Owens;32;;9x;12;18x;6x;17;;13;9;17
Majors;P;Minoru Gotou;29;;10;8;16;18;10;;10;16;14
Joined: 06/04/2014
Posts: 16


Broken Bat Baseball
Wish i had a copy of my Players skills before the flip aswell ;)
Joined: 09/15/2013
Posts: 884

Kodiak Mules

Broken Bat Baseball
No need to wonder indeed.
There's a general rule about declining skills which is pretty reliable.

By age of 30, one lost ppoint in Speed
At 31 one less in range, and Speed
By 32, they're gonna lose one point per Skill, with exceptions for PD

Pitchers will lose Velocity first. Stamina second, and Control last.

Sometimes you can have a decrease at 29, or even an improvement at age 31
I don't lnow if it's due to refining due to experience or training.

In the player's page you can find the SI year by year.
using this rule of thumb you can guess which skill has actually changed

O shall not forget to mention that Steve let us know that the aging speed rate has changed, a few seasons ago
I seem to remember there might be a difference between players. it's not a fixed rate.
However, in my experience I didn't notice it
Joined: 01/27/2010
Posts: 4985

Broken Bat Baseball
Sorry about this...we have resolved the issue. But after the fact, their wasn't an easy way to generate the change information because the "previous" value was no longer available.


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