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Joined: 08/14/2021
Posts: 25


Broken Bat Baseball
Hello everyone, I have been out of the game for a while now and remember making a bunch of moves prior to leaving. I was able to pick up my team back but everything has changed since then. I am trying to figure out what I can do to improve my team and get to the V league. My overall goal is to be III or better but I need to start somewhere. Honestly, I am overwhelmed a bit by the decisions I have to make. I have to cut some players, sign some vets, and find prospects to grow. I haven’t made any moves at all yet but I wanted to see if I can get some feedback from the community in terms of what I should do to help me decide and get the ball rolling. You guys are always super helpful and seem to not be selfish with information. I’m glad to be back and hope to hear from you and connect with you guys. Thank you for taking time out of your day in advance to look into my team. Happy new year everyone!
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9660

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
Welcome back. For starters there is some useful information in the links in this thread.

In terms of your own team, I would focus on guys who are 26 and younger. You want to focus on making your future team competitive in leagues IV and III.
Older players are fine as fill-ins until you get promising youth players to replace them, but get as many innings as you can for anyone you think will be a starter in the future.

You currently have a lot of mediocre hitters on the team. Try to get guys that are "Very Good" or "Great" hitters. A few "Good" hitters in key defensive spots or who have other redeeming qualities (like high PD + Power) are fine, but the only guy I would allow to be below "Good" would be a highly skilled defensive SS.

On the pitching side, I would avoid low Control and try to find guys who have a least one high rated pitching skills (Velocity, CoS, Movement). CoS doesn't have a scouting comment, but you can estimate its growth by looking at the player's development graph. A guy like Greer has done ok at LL-VI, due to his dominating Velocity. However his low Control will become more of a liability as you progress up the ladder. Try to find guys who don't give up a ton of HRs. 0.1 HRs per inning is really good. High velocity guys tend to give up more HRs (but less hits), so I'm usually happy if those guys can keep it below 0.13 HRs per inning (as long as they also have a good K/BB ratio and fewer hits allowed than IPs). End of the day I consider WHIP the best indicator of performance (but it needs to be modulated with K/BB and HR/IP ratios).
Joined: 08/14/2021
Posts: 25


Broken Bat Baseball

Thank you so much for the insight. I might some moves last night but looks like I'm going to have to wait until the season ends to do more moves. Let's see what happens.

Updated Saturday, January 6 2024 @ 7:37:14 am PST

Updated Saturday, January 6 2024 @ 7:37:34 am PST
Joined: 10/28/2019
Posts: 3


Broken Bat Baseball
just logged back in , how can i get a new team with my same user name?
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9660

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
I would send a message to Steve (admin).

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