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Joined: 07/22/2016
Posts: 2

Joplin Ninjas

Broken Bat Baseball
i've been around for a long time. Always last place. Any ideas of what i can do differently?
Joined: 01/20/2016
Posts: 2255

New York Lancers

Broken Bat Baseball
You have been here a while, almost as long as me! Let's see...

Manager/Coaches - It's up for debate exactly how much impact they have, but may as well get them as good as you can find. Your manager isn't good, try to find someone with no negative attributes. Try to find a hitting coach who is good Offence & Development, a pitching coach who is good at Pitching & Pitch Development, and good coaches at the other spots. I'll PM you some ideas.

Roster - At a glance your roster looks decent, but on a closer look your fielding skills are really poor, and you make some baffling decisions - why is Collins playing 2B (37 ERRORS!!!)? Why is Pena playing SS (10 errors)? You are playing really bad defenders at prime defensive spots, so you're hurting your own team.

Please read this, if you haven't before (second post):-

I'll give some pointers:-

C - Robinette is not a catcher, you want a 16+ Arm here. He could do as a backup or play LF/RF, but he's a power hitter who has never shown much power. You could try Purcell here, but really you need an upgrade. Martino doesn't have the Arm to play here either.

1B - Dennis should be your full-time 1B, even though he GIDPs a lot. He doesn't have enough Range to play the OF. Pena is a good hitter, so he could play 1B against RHP. Collins is a good hitter who could backup both spots, but ideally you want someone younger to bring along. Speaking of Collins...

2B - Ideally, you want a player who can hit with 15+ in Fielding and Range, the two most important defensive attributes for a 2B. Why is Collins playing here?? He is a "poor fielder" with not enough Range, and all those errors speak for themselves - you are actively hurting your team by playing him there. Espino hasn't done much of anything and doesn't have a positive fielding report, but at least he's eligible at 2b. He won't be great but he won't be terrible, like Collins. You really need an upgrade here.

3B - Martino should be playing here, he's a decent 3B, but again you need someone younger.

Let's just discuss youth here. When you're playing at the lowest level (LLVI) your roster should be full of young, developing players, perhaps with a few studs if you have any. Ideally you shouldn't have anyone over the age of 30. A roster of 30-something players won't get you very far, you need to build for the future and for sustained success.

SS - Not only is Pena playing here, so is Spaulding! This makes ZERO sense!! Spaulding has been a decent hitter - since I released him! - but he's not remotely a SS. Your SS needs to be right-handed, and have (again, ideally) 15+ in Fielding, Arm AND Range, or as close to it as you can get. What you're doing now is insane. You REALLY need to pick someone up immediately and put them into your lineup here. Just a quick look in free agency, here are two examples:-

OF - Prioritising hitters who can HIT is the ideal for all batting spots, but you still have to take into account defense. For OF, the only important defensive attribute is Range (Arm is nice if you can get it, Fielding is not that important). Spaulding could play LF, but he's probably better at DH and even then he's 33, why even roster him? As for Homan...a 36-yo who hits too many ground balls and doesn't have the Range...he's an immediate cut. Perry, Vinson, Purcell, Weaver are all too old, you need to get younger in a hurry (Vinson is the only one who can hit), and they all lack Range.

There's a lot of room for improvement. With all these recommendations, please don't go making wholesale cuts and changes - make sure you sign free agents or waiver claims and THEN make cuts. Don't leave your team short of players.

Pitchers - Your pitchers look decent, but your fielding choices are really hurting them. Change that, and your pitchers will look much better. There are a few exceptions - Henson is terrible (18 homers in 47 IP!!), pitchers with control issues almost always struggle (I'd keep Webster for now). Samuels is not good, and Jimenez gives up too many home runs.

Just upgrading your defence will help your pitching, but also your ballpark is really small with low walls, which makes life even tougher for your pitchers. You can't change your ballpark during the season, but bear that in mind for the offseason.

Hofmeister and Gamboa are fine.
Cochrane could be a cut - Movement is possibly the most important attribute for a pitcher, and as you can see from Cochrane a low score means trouble: he gives up too many home runs, and his ERA is touching 9 as a result.
Dyer - too many home runs, probably a cut.
Baer, Zuniga - Control issues are usually to be avoided at all costs. Zuniga doesn't even have an out pitch in his report, which is almost never good.

Martinez has control issues, and gives up too many homers, he's a cut.

Osorio, Calderon - control issues, cut!!
Dubois at least has some potential and a fastball, but "wild" is the worst control of all, cut him if his numbers get worse and/or you get someone better.
Villa has nothing, cut.

MacDonald isn't even "above average potential", cut.
Acuna, again control issues, cut.
Bagley - "never be a decent hitter" is usually to be avoided at all costs, but as a 14 POT with decent fielding he could have some value if he sticks at 14pot. I'd train him at 3B first, but also SS and 2B.
Cardona is clearly your best prospect, and a future stud CF.
Solorzano has nothing, can't hit or field so cut.

So you have about 5-6 prospects worth keeping, the rest are not good.

To sum up, you have a lot to improve! I hope this helps, feel free to ask questions and/or PM me directly.
Joined: 06/14/2020
Posts: 131

Florence Violets

Broken Bat Baseball
I agree with above plus RTFM.

Manual has sections about coaches, players, positions requirements, how to set up rotation, bullpen etc. It sounds funny but following that will fix 99% of your problems.

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