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Chicken Fillet
Joined: 04/01/2020
Posts: 167


Broken Bat Baseball
As I'm now focusing on developing my young players, I thought that going for a cheap new coach could be an interesting option.

Found one that has
Reputation: He is below average at coaching defense. He is good at handling pitchers. He is a good teacher of the game. He is a good pitching teacher. No experience, and 10s all around.

Does that sound decent? Trying to find a manager really is a tedious job! The ones that are excellent in one of the 3 developmental skills always are poor in one of the 2 others!

Joined: 03/18/2020
Posts: 203

West Fargo Turtles

Broken Bat Baseball
New to the game, too. I got a manager before last season who is under ten in two categories, but if you add up his total Tactical and total Developmental, he's over 30 in both. Adding up all six, he had higher skills than my team's previous manager, who cost $2 million more per year.
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9650

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
Looks pretty good to me. Check out this thread to get a better understand about what that report line means. Also, unlike players, managers actually start out at their real ability on day 1. They don't improve, they just reveal their true skills over time. So that guy should help you out in developing your hitters and pitchers. It looks like he is only average for defensive training, but that's not bad :)

Updated Friday, July 10 2020 @ 9:14:23 pm PDT
Chicken Fillet
Joined: 04/01/2020
Posts: 167


Broken Bat Baseball
Yeah, I did read a few threads beforehand, thanks! I saw you in most discussions about managers actually, and it did help me understand how they work.

So, uh, yeah, I think I'll hire the new guy! Being almost 3.5M cheaper can't hurt!

And I'll still check the new ones regularly in case some excellent cheap guy pops up in the FAs!

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