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Joined: 08/28/2020
Posts: 517

Prattville Black Cats

Broken Bat Baseball
Yeah, we managed to sweep Indy and then dropped 2 of 3 against 57-71 Charlottesville. Another draftee for us, he’s bad, but I’ll give him a chance. A couple people moved up a level in our bush leagues.
Joined: 07/14/2014
Posts: 82

Indianapolis Ducks

Broken Bat Baseball
Getting swept in 4 games at home to Pontiac puts us 9 games out with 15 to play. Would probably take a miracle at this point.

Still, overall a very good season for my guys. I think this group hasn't quite reached their ceiling yet, but I am not quite sure if this group's ceiling is much higher than an 85-90 win team who could push for a promotion if things bounce their way. Reinforcements from the minors are not far away just in case!
Joined: 07/14/2014
Posts: 82

Indianapolis Ducks

Broken Bat Baseball
From 69-59 and a chance at getting the division to 69-71, just like that. A complete collapse the last few weeks. Never seen anything like it before.
Joined: 08/28/2020
Posts: 517

Prattville Black Cats

Broken Bat Baseball
You know what, I haven’t either. That is one of the worst breaks a person can have, at least we never had to worry about the division, just avoiding 100 losses.

And your team has made great strides this seas, from battling with me for last place to being a contender for most of the season. Good job, man.
Joined: 08/28/2020
Posts: 517

Prattville Black Cats

Broken Bat Baseball
LEAGUE PREDICTIONS (Undoubtedly Wrong)

Indianapolis, where, once upon a time, Indians got their apples there.
Boca Raton (sorry)
Charlottesville, the city where “Charlotte’s Web” is based

Tyler, where everybody is named... Tyler?
San Mateo
Castle Rock. Named after a genre of music that was invented here: castle rock.

Pasadena in 6. Prattville players will suffer through an insufferable season, with, as in past years, over 100 players taking the field in a maniacal effort to improve the team :)

Edit: Forgot Boca Raton

Updated Tuesday, February 9 2021 @ 6:34:49 pm PST

Updated Tuesday, February 9 2021 @ 6:56:52 pm PST
Joined: 07/19/2017
Posts: 232

Boca Raton Gryphons

Broken Bat Baseball
 …The fact that Boca Raton isn’t even listed with the East teams is probably rather telling… <.< >.> <.<;
Joined: 07/19/2017
Posts: 232

Boca Raton Gryphons

Broken Bat Baseball
 After a fair amount of hemming and hawing, I’m calling an end to the 12 POT experiment. In the interest of being able to focus more on DFB, however, player acquisition for the Gryphons is going to be exclusively via the draft from here on out. My current roster will continue playing until my Minor League players put them out of a job.

 William Eriksson is leading the charge.

Updated Friday, February 12 2021 @ 2:35:57 pm PST
Joined: 07/14/2014
Posts: 82

Indianapolis Ducks

Broken Bat Baseball
Cool to see the league predictions! Hopefully I can claw my way up a touch higher in the standings than 3rd this year. All the major pieces from last year are back, I just trimmed a bit of the fat off the major league roster. Hopefully another collective step forward is around the corner again.

Stinks to hear the end of the 12 pot experiment, but it had a good run. Stinks that some of the best years with 80+ wins couldn't get a promotion out of it. Now I just gotta get a promotion before that swingin Swede enters the league haha
Joined: 08/28/2020
Posts: 517

Prattville Black Cats

Broken Bat Baseball
Ha, I was bored, I think the contenders in our division are...

(Doubtful) Boca Raton

And the pretenders...
(Prolly) Boca Raton
Joined: 08/28/2020
Posts: 517

Prattville Black Cats

Broken Bat Baseball
It looks like all us 3 humans got pretty good first rounds, however, outside of us, only 3 got drafted and 1 of those guys was a 9 POT on waivers.

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