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Waterloo Dinosaurs

Broken Bat Baseball
Some good comments. :)

I think the balance of reliever spots is more than ample across the board. Maybe you need to widen the settings on when pitchers come in a bit.

I wouldn't get rid of anything, but I think adding another MR or LR slot might be positive.

1 more would allow you to assign 13 pitchers w/o using a specialist slot (I'm incl. closer as a specialist). This might help avoid some of those situations where a guy reaches a massive pitch count b/c no one is available.

If nothing else, it would help during spring training where many use 6 man and the SS slot is actually a starter and not a bullpen guy (and blow outs happen on a semi-regular basis).
Joined: 02/07/2015
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Broken Bat Baseball
If i make the settings to match an MR3, then thats kinda defeating the purpose of not just making an MR3 role exist.

If the left handed setup man is coming in during the 5th inning, then the role shouldn't really be called LHS, it'd basically be a middle reliever role taking place in an inning that is mostly reserved for long relief as the pitcher is entering the game with probably 13-15 outs remaining to get.

How difficult would it be to make an Mr3 role? to make LHS/RHS get checked for matchups in the 8th regardless of PC/hook settings on the guy in? Thats my question. Because right now i don't use the LHS often and never have had a use for the RHS.
Joined: 08/09/2014
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Broken Bat Baseball
The problem with specialists coming in despite the current pitcher not meeting their exit settings is, as I stated in my last post, there are too many variables. If your ace is pitching, do you really want him pulled? Probably not if it's one opposite-handed batter. If it's a string of three, you might. What if you have See the problem? What if you have your best non-closer reliever in and there's just one opposite-handed batter?

Do you see the problem? The decision would have to consider the pitcher on the mound, the batter coming up, and the next set of batters, run differential, outs, runners on and what relievers are still available. It's impossible to come up with something to cover that. That's why I like the simplicity of what it is right now. I use the specialists all the time and they do as much as I think is humanly possible for AI.

I suppose it should be possible to have an option to use the specialists the same way it does for a closer right now if only if/when the batter is of the opposite hand. Again, I would only suggest such a thing if it were an option, not a standard.
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Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
If you set an RHS to come in the same inning as your MRs, the only difference is that he won't come in if it is a lefty at the plate. So its a pretty effective way to get another guy who effectively pitches MR.

Really it is worth using RHS and LHS. Even if it is only an advantage for one hitter, in baseball you should take every little advantage you can find. I would rather have 2 RHS, then 3 MRs. It gives you more control over you bullpen.

Updated Thursday, June 1 2017 @ 3:07:24 pm PDT
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Yakima Monster

Broken Bat Baseball
I've suggested MR3 before for extra flexibility, I don't need one currently with the way my pen is set up, but there will be times again when its useful, particularly when blooding in a newly promoted guy. If its easy enough to do I'd be all for it as an extra option.
Herp Derp
Joined: 02/21/2017
Posts: 132


Broken Bat Baseball
I was thinking a similar thought here:

As of now, I have a SS, 2 LRs, and 2MRs who are all set to come in only when my team is down five runs, up five runs, and all points in between. I'm using two specialist slots for a couple of lesser pitchers with some stamina for mop-up duty (one set to come in when down 6 or more and another when ahead 6 or more... both as early as the first inning) to save my better relievers' arms for tighter games... not that it really works out that way. My mop up guys are rarely seen, even in situations that would seem to fit the criteria, often leaving my other relievers to languish in games, far exceeding their pitch counts and hooks, probably trying hard to remember in their little AI minds the previous day when their ERAs were a full run lower.

Not sure what the harm would be in adding a few more slots to both LR and MR for those of us who think bullpens were structured better before agents and the players union started figuring out ways to get old and/or non-starter quality arms some serious money.
It's not like the modern bullpen guys would have to give up their specialists, right?

Plus, what's a right handed specialist anyway? If you type it into your favorite search engine, you will probably be asked if you meant a left handed specialist. It triggers my 'tism a little.
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Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
A right handed specialist comes in only when you are facing a right handed batter. Its a little dangerous to try and overload a guy like that, because he won't come in against a lefty for mop-up duty. It is a good way to having finer tune control over which of your sets comes in depending on the batter currently up at the plate. I use both RHS and LHS.
Herp Derp
Joined: 02/21/2017
Posts: 132


Broken Bat Baseball
Well, yeah. Just saying I've never heard of one before.
But I did think the RHS/LHS would be treated as just another reliever as long as I didn't select the little diamond in the pitch count settings and adjusted the other settings accordingly... and that I'd be able to use them in roles that might be better left to spot starters. But, since I can only have one SS and he can't be set to come in for blowouts when I'm both ahead and behind, I thought I'd try to use the specialists for that.

Given my lack of success getting specialists to appear in games so far, I've been reluctant to try my better guys in those roles as was suggested in this thread.

Anyway, I may be struggling with my bullpen because I have AI manager trust issues due to simming through too many MLB The Show franchise modes; even good AI does some very dumb/short-sighted stuff. I suppose I might be trying too hard to limit the damage a manager can do.

Still, I don't see the harm in opening up the bullpen and adding some more slots... but then again, I don't code.

Also, I want to make sure no one gets the impression that I'm complaining. This is a fantastic game... especially considering the price... and I'm having fun with it.
Joined: 08/09/2014
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Broken Bat Baseball
Here's a suggestion for your SS and LRs--Put their limits from -infinity to +infinity. It should only use them when there's a blowout or there's no other pitcher available. In either case, the score doesn't really matter much. That should at least solve your problem of no one coming in for mop-up duty. I initially tried to make the LR guys pseudo-specialists (run differential), but quickly realized there wasn't much need.

For MR, decide which is more important for you--having one pitch only when losing OR one when only winning. Put him as MR1 with those parameters and then your MR2 with as wide of RD as possible on both sides of 0, like -6 to +6.

Something to consider anyway. I've been doing that since about week two of the RD update and it's worked out pretty well.

Updated Thursday, June 15 2017 @ 1:14:52 pm PDT
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9792

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
One of the interesting things about RHS is that he gets priority over the SET when the first batter faced is a righty. You can use the various different priorities and pitching tendencies to gain some control over your bullpen. If we lost RHS, we would lose some of our control over who comes in.

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