
Forum >> Suggestions >> Suggestion/Rant: Specialist versus added MR spots   Bookmark This Forum Thread

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Joined: 02/07/2015
Posts: 299


Broken Bat Baseball

So i don't like how the game works the LHS/RHS positions specifically. When i view the LHS/RHS style of management, i think of the specialist that comes in when theres a massive threat in the game. For example, if i've got a lefty in, and the #3 hitter for the opposition is coming up to the plate as a right handed bat and they have a 1.000 ops in the 7th or later, i want that guy to match up with my RHS who i trust to get right handed pitchers out. However, my RHS gets to warm the bench until the #7 hitter comes up instead, whily my MR gets shelled until he gets to his hook/pitch count. So i end up getting a guy for 25-30 innings a season that does pretty well, but he does well because he only comes in after the damage has been done in the heart of the order 50-60% of the time.

So to be blunt, the role that we have in the game is not particularly useful to what we would probably ideally see the role as being used for. Instead of being like the closer in the 9th inning where our specialist comes in during the 7th inning and on-wards for match-up situations, we don't have that capability. So i think the role is a bit useless as it currently sits.

Instead of having 6 setup spots, 2 long relief spots, and 2 middle relief spots... why not allow us to have more utilization of LR and MR and take away specialists to some degree? Something like

Spot Starter
LR1, 2, 3
MR1, 2, 3

That allows for a spot starter, 3 long inning guys, 3 middle relief guys, 4 setup guys, and 1 closer. It's better for me imo to have enough depth at MR for when i'm at work in the evenings and can't get to my team to check my fatigue in the pen. I'd think that even if you were to leave the LHS2/RHS2 in, that an MR3 spot might be more relevant for teams frustrated with their lack of potential to come into the game when they truly want them to.
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9792

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
I like the new flexibility that was added with the specialist. You do realize that you can set your LHS to come in as early as the first inning right?
Joined: 08/09/2014
Posts: 3294


Broken Bat Baseball
I think the update of the specialists is great. While I understand the frustration of them not coming in to bail out a pitcher in a tough spot, I've never played a sim that does that effectively. There are too many variables. The current implementation does as good of a job as any I've seen.

Also, I think the balance of reliever spots is more than ample across the board. Maybe you need to widen the settings on when pitchers come in a bit.
Joined: 11/22/2015
Posts: 475


Broken Bat Baseball
As mike and rock suggested... i too use the RHS or LR2 with a 4 or 5 inning entry (or earlier) and set his pitchcount accordingly to effectively be my MR3

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