Albuquerque Blue Jays

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Team: Albuquerque Blue Jays [ID #292] Bookmark Albuquerque Blue Jays

Location: Albuquerque, NM (Southwest)

League: VI.17 - West

Owner: None

Manager: Jose Luis Arce

Ballpark: Albuquerque Stadium

Rank: #561 - Rating: 70.22

Fan Mood: 104.90

Prestige: 23

Color: Blue

Team Notes:

• May 03 2068: Melvin Morin was signed as a free agent.
• Nov 02 2067: Leroy Pruitt was hired as the new coach.
• Nov 02 2067: Scott McCauley was hired as the new coach.
• Nov 02 2067: Nick Bentley was hired as the new coach.
• Nov 02 2067: Carson Graham was hired as the new coach.
• Nov 02 2067: Dale Long was hired as the new coach.
• Nov 02 2067: Coach Cody Turnbull was let go.
• Nov 02 2067: Coach Allan Gentry was let go.
• Nov 02 2067: Coach Sammie Turner was let go.
• Nov 02 2067: Coach Marcos Mercado was let go.

League Record:

Wins: 19     Losses: 21     Pct: .475     Last10: 8-2     Streak: W6

Ave: 4.8 - 4.7     RS: 191     RA: 188     DIFF: +3         Power Index: 100.3


Group 71 [0 | Eliminated]

Press Releases:

Sep 26 2036: Magic 19 - by charlyspace on July 10th, 2018

When asked about the magic number to clinch being at 19, team GM McBang Bang said this. "Running a ball team is like selling cars. Buy them cheap from a bunch of rubes and sell them high."
He then jumped in his antlered golf cart and drove away.
If anyone else knows what he is talking about, I'm open to suggestion.
All we really need to know is that our Barons are closing in on another title.
See you at the ballpark.

Nov 01 2033: It Happened! - by charlyspace on October 5th, 2017

3 years of playing second fiddle!
Team record in Wins!
Pitching staff for the ages!

Whatever you want to call it, it was one awesome year. All it took was for team owner to let go of the GM reigns and pass to someone who knew the game.
Former popular player, Manny Hess, retired these last two years, took over one month into the season. Quick changes to cut salary and bring up the best talent from AAA has paid dividends.
Some of us may still remember the last championship we had almost a decade ago, but this is exhilarating.

Seems like the party will be carrying on the rest of the week. Golf carts decked out in lights and streamers driving haphazardly through the streets. Wadsworth chauffeuring owner Sir Charlyspace around the city on the deck of his yacht. Yes! I said yacht.

Great times for the Barons! Division V, here we come.
Matty Mapleson for the Albuquerque Ledger signing out!

Nov 01 2032: Another close one - by charlyspace on July 20th, 2017

Sircharlyspace is still shaking his head after watching another stellar season slip past with the Barons falling to 2nd again.
One would think that a 99 game win season would be cause for celebration, unless you have that numbered player on your hockey team, it seems to be the catalyst that may be leading to even more changes.
From what we hear, our esteemed owner may be willing to finally give up the GM reigns. We also hear it may be the local used car dealer, Jiggles McBangBang who has has a close relationship with Sircharlyspace from their time together at the local private tennis club.
We, here at the Albuquerque Beaver, know the team should change something to get over that last hurdle, but having a used car dealer with a dubious reputation being the GM? Probably not so much.
Well, whatever happens, we'll be here to keep you posted.
Chucky Chuckelstein, signing out

Mar 12 2032: A new season and a new direction...we think - by charlyspace on May 18th, 2017

So, what did we take away from the preseason news conference today? I think it may just be best to present the quote from Albuquerque owner, SirCharlySpace, and let you, the fan decide.

"I was sitting on the mound in the middle of the field yesterday, with a cup of tea, when Wadsworth walked past this 'home plate' on his way to bring us more crumpets. My chum, Billy Gates, starts to chuckle. I looked back from my discussion with Warsy to inquire as to what was so funny."
"Billy points to Wadsworth as he is carrying our tea service back and says 'Wouldn't it be rich if Waddle's had a bat and tried to hit a few.'"
"So Buffet leans over and tells me it would be a great re-branding, something I have been looking for. Well sir, I was shocked! It was the most perfect thing for this club."

So suffice to say, we are now the Albuquerque Baron's who play at the home confines of the Saucer. Waddle's will be out on game days handing out Cornish pasties to the first 5000 in attendance.
Will this get us past the last few years of 2nd place? Who knows and who knows what Sir Charly will do next!
Chuck Chuckerton of the Albuquerque Beaver signing off.

Oct 28 2031: Another great season, but no win. Changes? - by charlyspace on May 3rd, 2017

So, we caught up with SirCharlySpace on the back nine of his private golf course here in Albuquerque.I found him sipping tea in his luxurious golf cart while waiting for his butler to finish off the hole for him.
"Another par" he says spotting me as he jots the score down on his scorecard. "This game is easier than it looks."
Instead of telling him that his butler can't play for him (although he looks strikingly like Ernie Els), I ask him about the latest 90 win season for the Knights since taking over 2 years ago.
"Our club is making some nice profit, but now I hear that the players are wanting more money. How can they ask for more money unless they win?"
After explaining to him that players get raises based on performance, he quickly brushes me off.
"If they want more money, then win! If not, go elsewhere. My GM tells us that we have a full farm system and they get paid significantly less. I think it is time for call-ups."
I then get quickly dismissed as the buffet cart pulls up and a bevy of beauties bring samples over to our team owner.
It looks like a big change for the next season. I suppose it was coming. A lot of money was spent for another successful season, but without that elusive championship.
Chuck Chuckerton for the Albuquerque Beaver signing out.

"Ernie, come and have a chip butty..."