Hu Hsieh [ID #370553]
Free Agent
Home Town: Kowloon, Hong Kong School: none Drafted: 2067, Round #6 by Garden Grove Highlanders |
Minor Leaguer | Bats (L) Throws (L) Positions: 1B of |
Attributes | | Offense [Form: Average] | | Defense |
Age: 23 | Hitting: | 11 | Fielding: | 5 |
Height: 5' 11" | Bat Control: | 8 | Range: | 12 |
Weight: 201 | Plate Discipline: | 8 | Arm: | 16 |
Experience: 0 years | Power: | 7 | Skill Index: | 81 |
Salary: $0.20M | Speed: | 14 | Potential: | 10 |
Scouting Report: He will always be an atrocious fielder. He has above average overall potential. |