Mateo Trinidad

Mateo Trinidad
Panama   Mateo Trinidad [ID #356169] Bookmark Mateo Trinidad          Free Agent          P
Home Town: Panama City, Panama           School: none           Drafted: 2067, Round #8 by Santa Ana Bats
Minor LeaguerBats (R)                      Throws (R)                      Positions: P
AttributesPitching   [Form: Average]Defense
Age: 22Velocity: 8 Fielding: 6
Height: 6' 3"Change of Speeds: 9 Range: 14
Weight: 216Movement: 6 Arm: 16
Experience: 0 years Control: 5 Skill Index: 8 / 20 65
Salary: $0.20MStamina: 10 Potential:10 / 20 10
Pitch Repertoire: Fastball, Splitter, Slider, Cutter
Scouting Report: His control will always be lacking. He will be able to throw all day. He has above average overall potential.

Date Game Date Team From Team To Age Transaction Type
10/27/23 January 13th 2062 - Draft Prospect Pool 16 Created as Draft Prospect
01/17/25 September 13th 2067 Draft Prospect Pool Santa Ana Bats 21 Latin American Academy Signee
01/17/25 September 13th 2067 Santa Ana Bats Free Agent Pool 21 Released

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