Javier Rubio [ID #280831]
Free Agent
Home Town: Havana, Cuba School: none Drafted: 2049, Round #8 by Fairfield Falcons |
Minor Leaguer | Bats (L) Throws (R) Positions: 1b c 2b ss of |
Attributes | | Offense [Form: Average] | | Defense |
Age: 35 | Hitting: | 7 | Fielding: | 12 |
Height: 6' 0" | Bat Control: | 13 | Range: | 6 |
Weight: 201 | Plate Discipline: | 8 | Arm: | 8 |
Experience: 0 years | Power: | 11 | Skill Index: | 70 |
Salary: $0.50M | Speed: | 5 | Potential: | 11 |
Scouting Report: He can develop into an above average slugger. He is not very fast. He can be outstanding in the field. He is getting to the age where his skills may decline quickly. |