Fond du Lac Minor League Players

Assignment Pos Nat No Player Age Years Bats Throws SI Pot Salary Scouting Report
AAA Affiliate:
Superior (WI) Snow Birds
AAA P South Korea 17 Ye Jun Byun 23 0 L L 49 10 $0.20M He may be limited to only a few innings. He has above average overall potential.
AAA P United States 40 Timothy Fontaine 23 1 R R 77 13 $0.50M He can be a strike out pitcher. He has very good overall potential.
AAA P United States 53 Stefan McGuire 22 0 R R 73 12 $0.20M His fastball will have some pop. He will have the stamina to be a starting pitcher. He has good overall potential.
AAA C United States 63 Dick Taft 21 2 S R 68 12 $0.50M He can develop into a decent slugger. He has good overall potential. He may have learned all he can at this level of competition.
AAA 1B United States 42 Robbie Parker 21 0 S L 65 11 $0.20M He can develop into a decent slugger. He is really quick. He has good overall potential.
AA Affiliate:
Holton (IN) Hawks
AA P United States 64 Mark Cohn 22 0 L L 46 10 $0.20M He will have the stamina to be a starting pitcher. He has above average overall potential.
AA P United States 88 Bennie Costa 21 1 R R 47 13 $0.20M He will be able to throw all day. He has good overall potential.
AA C United States 12 Xavier Bush 24 2 S R 83 12 $0.20M He can be a good hitter. He has good overall potential.
AA OF Mexico 39 Luis Lopez 23 2 R R 78 12 $0.20M He can develop into a prolific slugger. He has decent speed. He can be solid in the field. He has good overall potential.
AA OF Mexico 65 Tony Sanchez 20 2 R R 61 10 $0.20M He can be a very good hitter. He has above average overall potential.
A Affiliate:
Astatula (FL) Aliens
A P United States 44 Ralph Barber 18 0 L L 48 13 $0.20M He can have a major league fastball. He can have a major league slider. He has very good overall potential.
A C United States 61 Ricky Hauser 19 0 R R 52 11 $0.20M He can be a great hitter. He can develop into a prolific slugger. He is not very fast. He has good overall potential.
Rookie League Affiliate:
Brokaw (WI) Brewers
Rookie P United States 11 Kwame Holloway 18 0 R R 33 10 $0.20M He can be a strike out pitcher. He will have the stamina to be a starting pitcher. He has good overall potential.

Player Totals:   12 / 13 pitchers    17 / 17 position players    29 / 30 majors    42 / 50 total       Ave. Age:   27.6 majors | 25.6 total