Jason Bruno

Jason Bruno
United States   Jason Bruno [#10759] Bookmark Jason Bruno            Phoenix Hornets        Manager       
Birthplace: New York, New York
Manager (4 years with club)
Age: 37Offense: 13Player Dev.: 15
Experience: 4 years Defense: 13Fielding Dev.: 12
Salary: $0.50MPitching: 9Pitcher Dev.: 10
Reputation: He is above average at managing hitters. He is above average at coaching defense. He is excellent at teaching the game. He is a good fielding teacher.

Year Team LL League: W L Pct Playoff: W L Pct PW Cup: W L Pct CW Salary
2063 PHX 6 27 38 .415 0 0 .000 0 0 0 .000 0 $0.10M
2064 PHX 6 72 88 .450 0 0 .000 0 10 10 .500 0 $0.50M
2065 PHX 6 67 93 .419 0 0 .000 0 12 10 .545 0 $0.50M
2066 PHX 6 91 69 .569 2 4 .333 0 5 15 .250 0 $0.50M
2067 PHX 5 59 101 .369 0 0 .000 0 12 10 .545 0 $0.50M
2068 PHX 6 15 18 .455 0 0 .000 0 8 8 .500 0 $0.50M
Total 331 407 .449 2 4 .333 0 47 53 .470 0 -