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Joined: 12/03/2016
Posts: 114

West Allis Devil Dogs

Broken Bat Baseball
It appears as if this is not possible as my target, a former manager, does not show up as a hiring option to replace an existing coach. However he does show when I do a search to replace my current manager. It seems that once they have been a manager, they can never go back. How can I hire a former manager to a coach position?

Also, on column sorts whether it be coaches or players (free agents or roster), can the primary sort be changed to put the highest first instead of the lowest to save from having to sort a second time?
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9790

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
I think you can, as long as their age and salary fall within the coaching threshold. Guys who are 50 or older or are making $1M or more can't be coaches.

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