Fullerton Draft History

Draft Selection Draft Source Position Player Age SI Pot Assignment Team Statistics
2064, Rd #2 College 1B Jose Ibanez 20 59 13 AA Fullerton Distortion
2064, Rd #1 College OF Albert Nadeau 20 87 14 AA Fullerton Distortion
2063, Rd #5 College 1B Keith Lowe 21 69 → 75 12 AA Fullerton Distortion
2063, Rd #4 High School P Carmelo DeJesus 18 33 → 35 9 Rookie Fullerton Distortion
2063, Rd #3 High School P Sid Farrell 18 48 → 53 12 A Fullerton Distortion
2063, Rd #2 College P Cody Chavis 21 58 → 66 11 AAA Fullerton Distortion
2063, Rd #1 High School P Jessie Carbone 18 54 → 60 14 Rookie Fullerton Distortion
2062, Rd #2 College P Jeffery Tripp 22 57 → 77 13 AAA Fullerton Distortion
2062, Rd #1 Latin American Academy P Tony Pineda 19 56 → 80 15 AA Fullerton Distortion
2061, Rd #5 Latin American Academy OF Jerónimo Jiménez 21 57 → 68 10 → 9 AA Fullerton Distortion
2061, Rd #4 High School P Armstrong Dean 20 52 → 57 11 - -
2061, Rd #3 Latin American Academy P Marco Vargas 22 58 → 77 11 AAA Fullerton Distortion
2061, Rd #2 High School P Mo Howard 20 56 → 74 12 → 11 AA Fullerton Distortion
2061, Rd #1 College P Hubert Winter 23 45 → 67 12 AA Fullerton Distortion
2060, Rd #4 Latin American Academy P Ariel Solis 24 64 → 80 12 → 11 - -
2060, Rd #3 Latin American Academy OF Álex Perales 24 75 → 98 14 Majors Fullerton Distortion G 18, AVE .389, H 7, R 8, RBI 3, SB 6
2060, Rd #2 College C Drew Creech 24 82 → 105 14 Majors Fullerton Distortion G 157, AVE .247, H 119, HR 4, R 53, RBI 55
2060, Rd #1 High School P Freddie McNulty 21 40 → 65 12 → 13 AA Fullerton Distortion
2059, Rd #3 Asian Posting System P On Liu 26 79 → 106 13 Majors Fullerton Distortion G 178, W 14, L 22, S 82, ERA 5.07, IP 254 , K 217
2059, Rd #2 Junior College P Darren Coyle 23 37 → 71 11 → 12 AAA Fullerton Distortion
2059, Rd #1 College P Allen Thurman 25 42 → 75 14 → 13 Majors Fullerton Distortion G 27, W 1, L 0, ERA 3.38, IP 8 , K 2
2058, Rd #6 High School P Allan Duvall 23 35 8 → 10 - -
2058, Rd #5 Latin American Academy P Álex Galindo 27 60 → 100 12 Majors Pharr Pugs
2058, Rd #4 College P Jordan White 26 63 → 99 12 Majors Fullerton Distortion G 195, W 23, L 19, S 9, ERA 4.98, IP 368⅔, K 281
2058, Rd #3 College P Dustin Harrell 26 56 → 93 12 Majors Fullerton Distortion G 79, W 6, L 7, S 3, ERA 4.04, IP 238⅓, K 114