Littleton Genesiz

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Team: Littleton Genesiz [ID #723] Bookmark Littleton Genesiz

Location: Littleton, CO (Mountain)

League: II.2 - West

Owner: Meyrian send message
          [since September 24th 2015 | last seen July 26th 2024]

Manager: Angel Espinoza

Ballpark: R'lyeh

Rank: #57 - Rating: 167.59

Fan Mood: 92.64

Prestige: 35

Color: Orange

Team Notes:

• Jun 15 2065: Angel Espinoza was hired as the new manager.
• Jun 15 2065: Juan Carlos Saavedra was fired as manager.
• May 10 2065: Raúl Macias was hired as the new coach.
• May 10 2065: Coach Joey Clements was let go.
• May 03 2065: Jose Pacheco was released.
• Apr 30 2065: Edgar Pedraza was signed as a free agent.
• Apr 29 2065: Kirk Douglass was released.
• Mar 16 2065: Óscar Casanova was signed as a free agent.
• Mar 15 2065: Miguel Carbajal was signed as a free agent.
• Mar 10 2065: J.R. Richter was hired as the new coach.

League Record:

Wins: 30     Losses: 35     Pct: .462     Last10: 3-7     Streak: L5

Ave: 4.4 - 4.8     RS: 283     RA: 312     DIFF: -29         Power Index: 103.3


Group 33 [0 | Eliminated]

Press Releases:

Oct 30 2052: Division champion ! - by Meyrian on December 1st, 2021

After losing 6 finals, Littleton finally won a division title.
4 games, 4 wins, the sweep is complete.
Excellent pitching performance (2.00 ERA, 1.11 WHIP) and great moment for Larry Matthews. The player gets 0.538 AVG, 2 HR, 8 RBI on the series, and is elected 2 times POTG.

Back to D4!

Jan 15 2046: Fernando Montejo is retiring. - by Meyrian on June 13th, 2020

After starting as a Major in 2030, at the age of 20, Fernando Montejo is retiring.

With 2588 hits (including 627 doubles, 88 triples and 197 HR) on 8673 AB, it is in 5th position in the history of the franchise and in 1st position in AVE% with 0.298.
He was also a very good runner, with his 681 SB.

This season, he has exceeded the POTG number of Bernardo Enriquez (95) by obtaining his 95 and 96th POTG.

He ended his career at 36, 11 times All-Star and 4 times All-League.

Oct 28 2040: New logo - by Meyrian on May 22nd, 2019

After a difficult 2040 season, we will start the 2041 season in D4.
For a fresh start, Littleton Cthulhu is changing its logo, which we have the honor to present below.


Come on, Littleton!
Phenglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgahnagl fhtagn

Nov 04 2039: Awards - by Meyrian on March 8th, 2019

We have the results of this Year Awards.

Alfonso Escamilla was named the Rookie Pitcher of the Year with 11 votes.
Blair Kovacs was 3rd with 2 votes.
Cruz Duran from Lake Charles was 2nd with 6 votes.

Shi Woo Uhm win his 3rd Gold Gloves at SS.
J.D. Cramer win his 2nd at 1B.

Congratulations to them.

Next season, come back to D.III to win !

Come on, Littleton!

Phenglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgahnagl fhtagn

Oct 20 2037: CLINCHED ! Cthulhu comes in D.III - by Meyrian on October 1st, 2018

Never in the team History, we have been at this level.

A long and difficult season against great opponents, to whom I wish the best, but we proved our solidity in closed games and the effectiveness of our bats.

Nest step : the playoff against the best team in this IV.8, Allen '54 Chevy. Good luck to him.

Come on, Littleton!
Phenglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgahnagl fhtagn