Atlantic City Killer Whales

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Team: Atlantic City Killer Whales [ID #694] Bookmark Atlantic City Killer Whales

Location: Atlantic City, NJ (Northeast)

League: VI.28 - East

Owner: None

Manager: Barry Friese

Ballpark: Atlantic City Ballpark

Rank: #324 - Rating: 98.33

Fan Mood: 112.85

Prestige: 41

Color: Black Pinstripes

Team Notes:

• May 03 2068: Bobby Schneider was signed as a free agent.
• Apr 07 2068: Stefan Head was released.
• Apr 07 2068: Leonardo Ojeda was released.
• Apr 07 2068: Jesse Kenyon was signed as a free agent.
• Mar 14 2068: Bruce Campanini was released.
• Mar 14 2068: Eli Baer was released.
• Jan 13 2068: José Luis Santana was selected to the national team of Puerto Rico.
• Jan 13 2068: Iacomo Martini was selected to the national team of Italy.
• May 29 2067: Randy Frey was signed as a free agent.
• May 03 2067: Harry Thompson was released.

League Record:

Wins: 46     Losses: 34     Pct: .575     Last10: 6-4     Streak: W1

Ave: 5.5 - 4.7     RS: 439     RA: 372     DIFF: +67         Power Index: 100.3


Group 119 [2 | Eliminated]

Press Releases:

Jul 16 2061: Good future - by brobroqwerty on September 27th, 2023

Prospects are looking good trying to see how they act. I have a lot of faith in staff and players. Should begin winning more games soon

Sep 20 2060: Killer whales season out look - by brobroqwerty on July 29th, 2023

Hoping to improve and win enough games to get to the next leage

Sep 28 2052: Cold Beer Calling My Name - by metalbat13 on November 22nd, 2021

Reality finally hit home for Atlantic City. After leading the Eastern Division of League II.2 for nearly 80% of the season, the Broadwalker pitching staff surrendered double digit runs in four of the team's last eight contests. The latest debacle was a 28-7 thrashing by Orlando, dropping AC three full games behind Brockton.

"Yeah, we gave up four touchdowns," grimaced manager Barry "Dairy" Friese. "But heck, you'd think we could have at least blocked one of their extra point kick attempts!"

Friese then hopped into his vintage 1990 Chevy Suburban and drove across town to drown his sorrows at the Bare Exposure Strip Bar (recently purchased by AC owner Milo Metalbat), while singing:

"Gonna sip a little somethin'
Gonna worry about nothin'
Cause there's a cold beer callin' my name."

Nov 02 2051: This Would Never Happen to Chip Hilton - by metalbat13 on September 15th, 2021

Atlantic City's baseball team today suffered a collapse worse than the massive Los Angles sinkhole in the new NBC TV series, "La Brea."

Leading Lahaina (HI), three games to zero, in the championship series of League III.3, the Broadwalkers inexplicably dropped four straight contests, all by one run (3-2, 7-6, 5-4, and 1-0).

"I feel like I'm trapped in the middle of an old black and white movie on TCM, and just got kicked in the head by the Lahaina mascot, Francis the Talking Mule!" grunted AC owner, Milo Metalbat. "Every player on our roster will now spend the entire off-season running wind sprints in the tar pits while watching reruns of unintelligible Joe Biden press conferences!"

Sep 08 2051: House of Cards, Head of Bricks - by metalbat13 on September 1st, 2021

Two weeks ago, Atlantic City was comfortably leading the Eastern Division of League III.3 by 13 games.
Unfortunately, after a foot injury to manager Barry "Dairy" Friese, the Broadwalkers descended into a Black Hole darker than the allegations regarding Bishop Sycamore's high school football program. As a result, AC now leads the Athens Gold by just five games with 37 yet to play.

Friese was placed on the 30-day disabled list when his neon shoelaces got tangled in the faulty transmission of a $3.2 million surplus M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle recently ransomed from Afghanistan. To "encourage" Broken Bat participants to get COVID-19 vaccination shots, Joe Biden had donated the broken Bradley (armed with a 25 mm chain gun and a semi-defective TOW missile launcher) to the Broadwalkers, where it was prominently displayed at one of GM Milo Metalbat's massage parlors.

In addition to its other shortcomings, the Bradley is now off-limits to the entire league because of a leaking exhaust system. When its engine is running, no players or other non-military personnel may approach within twenty feet of the mechanized monstrosity unless they wear N95 respirator face masks and a sign stating, "Don't Blame Me -- I Voted for Frank Underwood."