Jan 22 2066: Hall of Famer's Grandson Hired as Coach - by Garnash11 on September 3rd, 2024
92 year-old, Hall-of-Fame manager, Darren Bresciani spoke with reporters at spring training, last night. "I'm so happy Glenn is getting his chance. He's worked real hard and deserves the shot. I'm so proud of my Lil Granbaby!" He was of course referring to Plymouth Pilgims' hiring of Glenn Bresciani as the team's new pitching coach. A native of Troutville Illinois, a small town not all that far from Darren's hometown; Chicago. "I'll be there for the opener to cheer him on. Then it's back to my pond and catching s'more bass."
Sep 28 2065: Flamin' Jay Henry makes Monterey History - by Garnash11 on August 20th, 2024
32 year old, right-handed closer, Jon Flamin' Jay Henry, set a new mark for career saves with his 269th lifetime save for Monterey.
A starter, in his early days, Jon once threw a complete game no hitter, before converting to closer. He has seven consecutive 30+ save seasons from LL V thru LL II and is currently sitting at 30 for this season.
"I want 300 real bad!" Jon told reporters after last night's victory.
Oct 22 2064: Two trophies - by Garnash11 on June 9th, 2024
A Cup title and a division/league title in the same season! A truly magical season! Thanks to everyone!! Cheers!!
Aug 29 2064: 2064 Cup Finals - by Garnash11 on May 27th, 2024
Wishing Eden Prairie Wolves all the best in today's matchup! Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and kind words. 3 hours until game 1!
Go Titans!
May 17 2056: No hitter - by Garnash11 on August 22nd, 2022
Andres Uribe throws complete game, no hitter for Titan against Elgin Eagles, during Cup play on May 15th.