Mason McCarthy

Mason McCarthy
United States   Mason McCarthy [#10967] Bookmark Mason McCarthy            West Des Moines Demons        Third Base Coach       
Birthplace: Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Third Base Coach
Age: 46Offense: 10Player Dev.: 10
Experience: 0 years Defense: 10Fielding Dev.: 9
Salary: $0.10MPitching: 10Pitcher Dev.: 10
Reputation: He is above average at handling pitchers. He is a poor teacher of the game. He is a poor fielding teacher.

Year Team LL League: W L Pct Playoff: W L Pct PW Cup: W L Pct CW Salary
2068 WDM 4 39 44 .470 0 0 .000 0 15 9 .625 0 $0.10M
Total 39 44 .470 0 0 .000 0 15 9 .625 0 -