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Joined: 09/15/2013
Posts: 905

Kodiak Mules

Broken Bat Baseball
I was browsing old posts, when this one catched my eye

Also, I'd like to know if it is possible in this game, and if anybody ever tried, to yank a SP after just 1 or 2 innings of play, effectively playing without a SP, but scattering innings thought the whole pitching staff, in order to keep 'em all fresh.

it's dated 09/19/2013
I was asking Steve if in BrokenBat we could use the OPENER!!!
at least 5 years before it was introduced in MLB :)
Joined: 01/27/2010
Posts: 5023

Broken Bat Baseball
Yeah, even the Dodgers who have excellent starting pitchers are using openers/bullpen days now.

Joined: 06/21/2019
Posts: 356


Broken Bat Baseball
The opener is one of the best ideas of the modern baseball era that hasn't gotten the exposure it deserves in MLB purely due to economic/player's bargaining power reasons.

Why not bring in a high caliber reliever to retire the top of the order for an inning or two before soaking up innings with a "starter"? It puts so many advantages due to defensive and pitching decisions back with the defensive manager!

What kind of split stats does a specific top of the order have? You can have righty/lefty situational openers to suppress a righty/lefty heavy lineup.

Did the opener unexpectedly get blown up? That's okay, time to spot start a rookie or chip away with a LR vs starting a big money veteran, who can now live to start another day.

Do I send the innings eater (old SP) through the order for a third time or not? That decision is now being made in the 7th or 8th inning most likely. If you have a big lead or are significantly behind, sure. If not, bring in your set up man/closer, or a low level reliever to wrap up a loss.

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