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Joined: 01/04/2013
Posts: 312


Broken Bat Baseball
Every time I click in an internal link provided in the forum it opens a new tab, but without being.

Performed: Almost everytime.
Browser: Google Chrome Version 46.0.2490.80 m
SO: Windows 7
Login name: Krakonico
Password: *************************

Update: If the link is just a copy paste of the browser link it will open it in the same tab and the page stay logged. But if the link has the BBcode tags it will open in a second tab and appears as if I'm logged off

2nd Update: I used a encrypt to write my password here, so if you attempt to log with the one showed it won't work :P

Updated Saturday, November 7 2015 @ 10:08:24 am PST
Crazy Li
Joined: 01/25/2015
Posts: 879


Broken Bat Baseball
Are you sure it logs you out? Check in the original tab. Does navigation within show you in or out?

If you login via brokenbat.org but click a link to brokenbat.org, this is counted as a different website by your browser. Forum links add the www automatically, I believe.
Joined: 11/02/2013
Posts: 3343


Broken Bat Baseball
Crazy Li is partly correct. It shows you as logged out if someone includes "www." in the brokenbat address linked. Perhaps it is added automatically on mobile, but on my desktop the links that do not include "www." keep me logged in and do not automatically include it in the address. None of my links that I make include the "www." for that reason.

Edit: My desktop always sends me to brokenbat.org without the "www." by default, perhaps mobile works the opposite and so my posts end up logging others out, regardless the fix is easy, either add or subtract the "www." from the address bar.

Updated Monday, November 9 2015 @ 11:23:58 am PST
Crazy Li
Joined: 01/25/2015
Posts: 879


Broken Bat Baseball
No, I encounter this on desktop as well. It may be an issue of how the link is created.

I notice this very often with links to players or sometimes other threads. My solution is to log in on the other version as well if I'm going to be clicking a lot of player links and need to stay in. It keeps me in for that session then.

I can't say if your links do it or not, newt, as I don't remember the last time I clicked one.
Joined: 01/27/2010
Posts: 5024

Broken Bat Baseball
Krakonico - you've been around for a while. Is this a new issue or something you've always seen?

So you're running Windows 7 -- so this is like a PC or laptop?


Joined: 01/04/2013
Posts: 312


Broken Bat Baseball
It's a laptop, I haven't tried in a PC. It's not a new issue.
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9778

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
I always play on the PC (Windows 8.1 garbage OS) and this has always been the case for me when I click on a link in the forums.

EDIT: Actually its not doing that anymore... Did you already fix it?

Updated Tuesday, November 10 2015 @ 9:35:50 pm PST
Joined: 11/02/2013
Posts: 3343


Broken Bat Baseball
Hmm, could be the browser. I'm on Windows 7 as well on my desktop, though I played on my Windows 8.1 laptop and what I was saying worked there too. I'm in Firefox for reference.

Edit: actually now mine is doing it, and the fix I suggested (which used to work for me) defaults me back to my team's page. What browser are you on Rock since it is fixed for you now?

Updated Tuesday, November 10 2015 @ 9:44:13 pm PST
Crazy Li
Joined: 01/25/2015
Posts: 879


Broken Bat Baseball
I use Opera on my phone and desktop and chrome at work. It's always done this on both of those. I don't use Firefox because it doesn't render some sites well. Haven't checked recently though.
Joined: 09/21/2014
Posts: 9778

Haverhill Halflings

Broken Bat Baseball
I'm on IE 11.

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