Cleveland Heights Draft History

Draft Selection Draft Source Position Player Age SI Pot Assignment Team Statistics
2064, Rd #1 High School P Jean Parkinson 17 38 13 Rookie Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2063, Rd #5 Latin American Academy OF Ramón Quintero 17 61 → 62 11 Rookie Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2063, Rd #4 College 1B Laurence Radford 21 71 → 76 12 AA Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2063, Rd #3 College P Blake Howard 22 70 → 73 11 → 12 A Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2063, Rd #2 Latin American Academy 2B Emiliano Lorenzo 22 70 → 78 13 AAA Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2063, Rd #1 College OF Bruce Palladino 21 91 → 98 15 AAA Cleveland Heights Bobcats G 4, AVE .400, H 2, R 1, RBI 4, SB 1
2062, Rd #8 High School OF Josh March 19 48 → 52 11 A Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2062, Rd #7 Junior College OF Jackie Holloway 21 64 11 - -
2062, Rd #5 Latin American Academy OF Benjamín Cabrera 23 68 → 77 12 AAA Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2062, Rd #4 Latin American Academy C Ismael Tejeda 18 60 → 65 12 Rookie Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2062, Rd #3 Latin American Academy SS José Luis Corral 22 88 → 99 15 Majors Cleveland Heights Bobcats G 48, AVE .208, H 16, R 10, RBI 8, SB 6
2062, Rd #2 High School OF Allan Becker 19 63 → 68 14 → 13 Rookie Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2062, Rd #1 High School C David Flanagan 19 65 → 78 13 → 14 AA Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2061, Rd #8 Latin American Academy 3B Juan Manuel Ulloa 23 54 10 → 9 - -
2061, Rd #7 College SS Rick Teufel 24 65 11 - -
2061, Rd #6 Latin American Academy SS Miguel Ramos 21 64 → 68 11 AA Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2061, Rd #5 College 3B Jimmie Willoughby 23 63 → 64 11 → 12 - -
2061, Rd #4 Junior College P Austin Bernardi 22 67 → 73 12 A Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2061, Rd #3 College OF Curt Koontz 23 60 → 78 12 → 11 AAA Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2061, Rd #2 College P Alden Fowler 23 54 → 66 12 A Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2061, Rd #1 College OF Leland Radford 23 79 → 107 14 Majors Cleveland Heights Bobcats G 220, AVE .253, H 162, HR 20, R 95, RBI 92, SB 5
2060, Rd #5 College 1B Edgar Martin 24 64 12 - -
2060, Rd #4 Latin American Academy OF Rueben Garcia 21 59 → 71 11 A Cleveland Heights Bobcats
2060, Rd #3 Latin American Academy SS Alfonso Carrillo 25 85 → 102 13 Majors Cleveland Heights Bobcats G 96, AVE .187, H 40, HR 3, R 17, RBI 30, SB 4
2060, Rd #2 College P Tom Madden 24 64 → 101 13 Majors Cleveland Heights Bobcats G 107, W 13, L 10, S 4, ERA 4.61, IP 191⅓, K 146