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Joined: 01/27/2010
Posts: 5024

Broken Bat Baseball
I guess Texas and Tampa are playing one game tonight to determine who plays Cleveland in a one game wildcard playoff to see who plays in the divisional playoffs. What was wrong with just 2 or 4 teams making the playoffs? I don’t think one game series work very well in baseball…too much luck involved.

the gizmo
Joined: 02/07/2013
Posts: 574


Broken Bat Baseball
Agreed that one game is not enough but after 162 , someone should've had a distinct advantage at seasons end but thats BB. Hope they don't let in half of league like basketball and hockey does.

Maybe an aggregate playoff like soccer with most runs scored would be used as a tiebreaker
Joined: 05/15/2013
Posts: 315

Anchorage Lawless

Broken Bat Baseball
Agreed, the one game wild-card play-off seems an inadequate test after playing for six months solid.

I would prefer they have just one wild-card. However, as the missus supports the Reds I am not going to complain too much.

Also agree that the basketball and hockey qualification is a nonsense, it should be a challenge to make the post season.

As for me I say "Go Sox!!!"
Joined: 01/27/2010
Posts: 5024

Broken Bat Baseball
Yeah...Tampa has essentially 2 one-game playoff series.

Bud Selig can't retire soon enough.


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