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Joined: 08/26/2011
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Broken Bat Baseball
Hey! :)

I was wondering if this is a bit weird or not - I have an 18 year old that needs to be in the majors to improve, he isnt that great and about 70% of the way to full potential, just perhaps a bit early to be majors?


any help appreciated :)
Joined: 01/27/2010
Posts: 5023

Broken Bat Baseball
In order to reach their maximum potential, a player needs both training (acquired mostly in the minor leagues) and experience (from mostly playing in the major leagues). So if you have an 18 year old that “can’t learn much more in the minor leagues”, then it just means that he’s near his limit in terms of training. However, he may still have a long way to go to reach his maximum potential because he doesn’t have much major league playing experience.

Note, playing him in spring training games while he's still in the minor leagues is an excellent way to get experience before calling him up to the major league roster.


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