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Post ID Date & Time Game Date Function
Joined: 05/15/2013
Posts: 315

Anchorage Lawless

Broken Bat Baseball
Player experience seems to reflect real-time, not the game date. For example, I have two players well in their 30s and close to retirement; having had half-a-dozen all star appearences with just three years experience.


I would have thought this should reflect their 13 game years experience.
Joined: 09/26/2012
Posts: 547


Broken Bat Baseball
There was a reset on player experience a couple seasons ago.
Joined: 12/28/2011
Posts: 170

Seattle Rickey

Broken Bat Baseball
Do you think career designated hitters fulfill their offensive potential, or do you think position players have a potential advantage offensively due to their greater overall experience?
Joined: 09/26/2012
Posts: 547


Broken Bat Baseball
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but according to the game manual, experience refers to big league experience, not positional experience. The later is reflected in the positions list.

So, I'd say positional players don't have any advantage over DHs because of experience.
Joined: 01/27/2010
Posts: 5023

Broken Bat Baseball
Player experience seems to reflect real-time, not the game date. For example, I have two players well in their 30s and close to retirement; having had half-a-dozen all star appearences with just three years experience.


I would have thought this should reflect their 13 game years experience.

Unfortunately, we only started accumulating ‘experience years’ and ‘years with club’ a few seasons ago, so no player currently has more than 3 and 2 years respectively.

Joined: 01/27/2010
Posts: 5023

Broken Bat Baseball
Do you think career designated hitters fulfill their offensive potential, or do you think position players have a potential advantage offensively due to their greater overall experience?

Yes, a DH can fulfill his potential. He will not accrue any position experience though. So he will never develop as a fielder.

Joined: 01/27/2010
Posts: 5023

Broken Bat Baseball
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but according to the game manual, experience refers to big league experience, not positional experience. The later is reflected in the positions list.

So, I'd say positional players don't have any advantage over DHs because of experience.

There are several types of experience. There is:

1. Experience years: a rough count of the amount of years in the big leagues. Displayed on the player page.

2. Experience Points: points accumulated mostly through big league experience (but also to a much lesser degree in the minor leagues) that is a component in player skill growth. This value is hidden.

3. Position Experience: experience accumulated playing specific position in the big leagues. Helps a player play that position defensively – but has no affect on offensive output. A rough assessment of these values are seen in the position list.

Hope this helps,

Joined: 05/15/2013
Posts: 315

Anchorage Lawless

Broken Bat Baseball
Got it

Thanks for the explanation

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