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Joined: 01/27/2010
Posts: 5024

Broken Bat Baseball
This World Baseball Classic could reportedly be the last one

Joined: 01/06/2015
Posts: 1226

Bloomington Thunder

Broken Bat Baseball
What I can't find is if the IBAF is cancelling the event or is MLB dropping out?

Or is it a decision by multiple leagues?

I have a hard time believing MLB isn't making money. They took the tournament off ESPN USA and kept it on their own network to gain cable buys. Like with the rise of college networks, I have to believe they made a decent one-time windfall.

I don't know who specifically keeps the TV money, but I would guess each league (nation) keeps what they air, with IBAF getting a piece of the action.

While the tournament isn't popular inside the US, it IS popular in other nations. Maybe if we sent our very best and won the darn thing, it would get more traction here.
Joined: 01/20/2016
Posts: 2259

New York Lancers

Broken Bat Baseball
MLB makes plenty of money. Apparently the WBC just doesn't make enough of it to make it worthwhile for the Powers That Be. Perhaps especially is the USA isn't winning it.

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