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Joined: 01/18/2017
Posts: 578

Murfreesboro Moo Cows

Broken Bat Baseball
Broken Bat has a 20-point rating system for a pitcher's Velocity. What does it mean?

Game Manual:
Velocity: ability to throw the baseball at a high velocity - a good fast ball. High velocity pitchers produce more strike outs.

Okay, great. How fast is a 20? How fast is a 15?

Mostly for fun, here's a total guess about a guy's "average" fastball. Thoughts?

20: 104 mph
19: 101 mph
18: 98 mph
17: 95 mph
16: 92 mph
15: 89 mph
14: 86 mph
13: 83 mph
12: 80 mph

This assumes the player has matured. I assume there aren't 18 year old rookies in the minors with a 2 Velocity and throwing 50 mph. That being said, mightn't this stat develop faster than the pitcher's other stats? Even young guys can have Velocity, but it doesn't mean they're ready to pitch professionally.
Joined: 05/05/2014
Posts: 5220

Waterloo Dinosaurs

Broken Bat Baseball
A long time ago I made a little study of pitch speed vs. velocity skill. My premise was that I might be able to tell if a pitcher was under or over scouted based on their velocity.

Ie., if a 15 velocity pitcher should throw 93 and mine throws 91, his actual skills must be lower than his presented skills.

I didn’t get far with the study. The delta in velocity for a pitcher (he doesn’t just throw 93, but ranges from 91-94) made it difficult to draw any conclusions.

The above was not really relevant to your post. What is relevant is that somewhere, on some device in some BrokenBat folder, I have an excel sheet that has a table with velocity skill and average pitch velocity. Chances of me finding it tho are next to nil. :)
Joined: 08/09/2018
Posts: 97


Broken Bat Baseball
I was thinking an 8 velocity would be around 80 mph, with a 12 around 87 mph. I think a 20 would be 105 mph. Here's my chart.

20 - 105 mph
19 - 103-104 mph
18 - 102 mph
17 - 101 mph
16 - 98-100 mph
15 - 95-97 mph
14 - 92-94 mph
13 - 90-91 mph
12 - 87-89 mph
11 - 85-86 mph
10 - 83-84 mph
9 - 81-82 mph
8 - 80 mph
7 - 78-79 mph
6 - 76-77 mph
5 - 75 mph
4 - 73-74 mph
3 - 72 mph
2 - 71 mph
1 - 69-70 mph
0 - <68 mph

Just an approximation of what I think the velocity speeds could be for a fastball.

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